Radical media, politics and culture.

Anarchist People of Color Zine Seeks Submissions

Mama APOC writes:

APOC Zine Call for Submissions
Fifty years ago, Ella Baker said: “Strong people don’t need leaders.” This sentiment is being expressed on the streets of New York, Philadelphia, Durban, Caracas, Buenos Aires, San Francisco, Seattle and Michigan. Within this growing anti-authoritarian movement has been the emergence of diverse voices of people of color. Coming off the recent APOC Conference in Detroit, and the follow-up meetings of APOC-NYC, we recognize the need for a space for anti-authoritarian POCs to share ideas, experiences, analyses and creative expressions.

Thus, we are putting together a zine of writings, art, and anything creative or even helpful by anti-authoritarian POCs on the East Coast. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

* anti-racism
* environmental justice/sustainable communities
* gender identity
* sexuality
* racism and sexism within activist movements
* day-to-day survivals (when you feel like you’re not contributing anything to the “movement”, but actually are fighting – daily resistance to those exercising power over you)
* how-to practical guides (anything from navigating social bureaucracies to fixing a bike to cheap, healthy cooking)
* global movements of resistance

Suggested Guidelines: Prose pieces should be in the range of 250-1000 words. Poetry is welcome as well, as is artwork (which includes drawings, photographs and cartoons). If you send stuff by snail mail and you want it returned, you must send a SASE!! Otherwise, it will become part of our personal collections J. Please send submissions by e-mail to apoczine@aol.com. Snail mail address also available. Please e-mail us to get it."