Radical media, politics and culture.

<i>Resources for Radicals</i> #5 Available

Resources for Radicals #5

The fifth edition of Resources for Radicals, an annotated
bibliography of print resources for those involved in movements for
social transformation, is now available. Many of the new resources included
focus on responding to bullying and other examples of peer violence,
pacifism and effective non-violence, genetically modified foods and the
history of anarchism but R4R continues to be a smorgasbord of resources
that explores everything from the roots of the Middle east conflict to
concensus decision making to....?Resources for Radicals is written and compiled by Brian Burch, a
Toronto based writer with a lengthy history of political activism and
community education work. His work has appeared in over 200 publications
and anthologies in Canada, the United States, England, Finland, India, Ireland
and Australia. He is a member of the National Writers Union (UAW Local 1981).
His other books include For Christ and Kropotkin, Still Under the Thumb,
The Anarchist Dinosaur, Weather Report
and >i>Interlude.
This issue has more organisational newsletters, lit zines and
academic journals than in the past -- perhaps a reflection of growing awareness
of the existence and value of R4R. Material that came our way this year
included cookbooks, a game, calendars, diaries and various catelogues
from progressive distributors as well as books, chapbooks and periodicals.

Updating the periodicals section has been the most challenging. We
dropped a number, from Kick it Over to Co-op American Quarterly, because we
hadn't heard from them. However, from anchorage anarchy to Draft NOtices to
UnderCurrents, a number of ones have come our way for inclusion for the
first time.
Resources for Radicals grew out of requests for further information
that arose from workshops in non-violence conducted by Toronto Action for
Social Change. Participants were seeking a list of resources that they
could read for more in depth information, inspiration, ideas and analysis
than could be shared in the space of a workshop. It has expanded greatly
expanded from its origin as a two-page handout that provided a list of
suggested titles for further reading.

Authors whose works are included range from Emma Goldman to Brian
Martin to Starhawk to Leo Tolstoy to Elizabeth Gurley Flynn to Henry David
Thoreau to Petra Kelly to Edward Said to Ann Hansen to Ward Churchill to
Ruth Morris.

Publications listed ran the gamut from Business Ethics to Green
Anarchy to Prism to Earth First! Journal to The Peak to Peace Matters to
The Other Israel to The Red Flag to Catholic New Times.

The primary,
but not exclusive, focus is on material related to effective non-violent
protest and practical alternative social institutions.

A wide range of topics are touched on, from the criminalisation of
dissent to peace tax advocacy to community gardening to civil disobedience
to union organising to living out a call for global solidarity to music and
resistance. Work coming from such struggles as the feminist, labour, animal
rights, anti-globalisation and the peace movement abound.

Resources for Radicals is available from Toronto Action for Social

The price (including postage and handling) is:

$20.00 Canada

$24.00 U.S. (U.S. funds)

$30.00 Rest of the World. (U.S. funds)

Bulk orders, distro and store orders are available at 40% discounts, prepaid.

Cheques should be made payable to Toronto Action for Social Change. Orders
should be sent to:

Toronto Action for Social Change

P.O. Box 73620, 509 St. Clair Ave. West

Toronto, Ontario M6C 1C0 Canada


Resources for Radicals is revised annually. Books, magazines and
other print resources focusing on feminism, union organising, popular
culture, humanism, anarchism, radical christianity, strikes, demonstrations,
ecology, black bloc tactics, non-violence, socialism, co-operatives, sexuality,
aboriginal rights, pacifism, urban renewal, music for social change, urban
agriculture, revolutionary theory, black history, community shared
agriculture, pro-choice, anti-imperialism, communism, justice and liturgy,
street medics resources, penal abolition, multi-faith dialogue, conflict
resolution, ploughshares efforts, alternative dance and theatre forms,
critical mass, paganism, public transportation, community organising,
squatting, seamless pro-life, community economic development,
anti-globalisation, alternative media, culture jamming, fundraising,
anti-fascism, anti-racism, living off the grid, animal liberation, intentional
communities, disAbilities activism, civilian based defence, credit unions
and other expressions of radical and effective dissent are welcome
and should be sent to:

Brian Burch, Editor

Resources for Radicals

20 Spruce St.,

Toronto, Ontario M5A 2H7 Canada

Especially welcome are books for children, handbooks, guides for
trainers, bibliographies, song books and directories.

R4R does not review newspapers, whether progressive weeklies,
street papers or major dailies. But we do welcome any other form of print