Radical media, politics and culture.

Independent Media

"Life Beyond the Market" Contributions Sought

Greenpepper Magazine

GREENPEPPER is an Amsterdam-based environmental and social justice
magazine focusing on direct and autonomist action.

To coincide with the Life After Capitalism conference to be held in New
York City in August 2004 the theme one of the upcoming issues of the

"Chalabi Nephew Will Preside at Saddam's Trial"

Juan Cole

Ahmed Chalabi's nephew Salem has been put in charge of the trial of Saddam Hussein. Salem is a partner in Zell and Feith, a Jerusalem-based law firm headed by a West Bank settler, in which Douglas Feith, the undersecretary of Defense for Planning, is also a senior partner when not in the US government. You can be assured that the trial will be conducted on behalf of the Bush administration and the Neocons, and on behalf of the Chalabis. Since the Chalabis have been trying to overthrow Saddam for decades, it is hard to see how this can have even the appearance of an impartial tribunal.

Full story: Juan Cole

The Halifax International Symposium on Media and Disinformation

Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, July 1-4, 2004

This International Symposium aims to deal with one of the most pressing matters facing journalists, media and culture workers, and all people — disinformation. The main aim of the Symposium is to empower journalists and collectives of the people by definitively exposing the modus operandi and extent of disinformation, presenting the experience of journalists and activists across Canada and abroad in tackling it, and to consolidate the long-term struggle for its elimination.

nolympics writes: This is first-hand account of the US incursion into and siege of Iraqi Fallujah. It is abominable. We must know these uncovered truths about the progress of the military campaign there,



Members of the Seattle-based organization ‘Another World Is Possible’ traveled to Iraq this fall. We received a phone call this morning from an Iraqi friend who carried 16 women and children out of Fallujah, burned and bloody from US bombs that were dropped by American F16 jets and Apache helicopters on their homes early this morning, during what the US has been calling a “ceasefire.” Reports are surfacing all over the world indicating that what is happening in Fallujah and many other cities is in fact a massacre and a forced exodus of thousands of people, who are now along the highway in the desert with no access to food, water or medical attention.Fallujah that has triggered the kidnapping of foreigners in Iraq? Iraqi Resistance want the occupation to end. They want foreign troops to go home. I am almost certain that US soldiers also want to go home safely and hug their family. So must be the Japanese soldiers...... All Iraqi people are asking is,
"Please leave our country with all your weapons".
"Stop killing our children".
"Stop polluting our land forever with radioactive weapons"
Is it too much to ask?
*Check this man out who is running for the US President.http://kucinich.us*
love, Yumi
P.S.. I recommend you see "What I've learned about US Foreign Policy", compilation of 10 documentary films compiled by Frank Dorrel. I am just about to release the Japanese translation of it. www.addictedtowar.com

another war is possible submits:

Urgent: Masssacre in Fallujah

Members of the Seattle-based organization ‘Another World Is Possible’ traveled to Iraq this fall. We received a phone call this morning from an Iraqi friend who carried 16 women and children out of Fallujah, burned and bloody from US bombs that were dropped by American F16 jets and Apache helicopters on their homes early this morning, during what the US has been calling a “ceasefire.” Reports are surfacing all over the world indicating that what is happening in Fallujah and many other cities is in fact a massacre and a forced exodus of thousands of people, who are now along the highway in the desert with no access to food, water or medical attention.

"Injustice" Documentary Screening

Brooklyn, NY, April 24, 2004

"Injustice" is a film about the struggles for justice by the families of black people that have died in police custody in the UK. The film documents a five-year period when the families of Brian Douglas, Joy Gardner, Shiji Lapite, Roger Sylvester and Ibrahima Sey come together to fight for justice. "Injustice" presents evidence that serving police officers in the UK have committed crimes of manslaughter and murder.

hydrarchist writes: This piece by Agnese Trocchi was originally published in the wonderful review of culture, politics and technology that travels under the name of Mute


San Lorenzo, Rome, near Termini station: a tall antenna towering over
the roof of a high squatted building where migrants families are live
illegally. Its name is TeleAut and it's a streetTV that is exploiting
the umbra of a local channel and is on air everyday from 9pm to 9am on
channel uhf 27.
The name, TeleAut, is homage to RadioAut, an independent radio which
was broadcasting in 1977 from a village near Palermo, Sicily. On the 9th of
May 1978, the day when the body of Aldo Moro was founded killed by Red
Brigades, another corpse was found, blown-up on the railway between
Palermo and Cinisi, it was the corpse of Peppino Impastato, the founder
of RadioAut, killed by Mafia.Italian history is made of hidden truths and
independent voices which have always struggled to express themselves
by every media necessary.

a_khenatoun writes:

VideoKaravaan 2004

Media Arts Workshop

April 12–24, 2004, Agadir, Morocco

The next station of our project this year will be Inchallah in Agadir, in the southern side of Morocco. Besides
programme screening, video installations and interactive,Videokaravaan will
set up a series of workshops
and initiatives to allow local Artists to create their own works and enable
them to represent themselves
directly. Many International Artists will give their assistance and
experience, among them: Toni Serra,
Mounir Fatmi, Joachim Montessuis, Nabil Ayouch, Abdelaziz Taleb, Zhor
Rehihi, Bouchra Khalili, Abdellatif
Benfaidoul, Alexander Peterhaensel....

hydrarchist writes:

"Make Media, Make Trouble:

Hacking the Infocalypse"

Luther Blisset

The cold rain lightens passing the small twice-weekly farmers market, down the corridor past the Italian class for migrants, the bookshop, a meeting, the circus class. Entering into one room a web of cables crawls above converging in a loft. Upstairs a small group chatters in front of computers, editing, uploading, downloading, emailing; organising a 24 hour pirate TV station. This is the Xmercato24 social centre in Bologna, Italy, home of “TeleImmagini?” part of the Italian TeleStreet movement of around 80 pirate micro-TV stations, most of which have grown in less than 2 years.

2004 Socialist Scholars Conference Recordings Available

Radio Free Maine, Roger Leisner and Joe Friendly recorded the following panels and speakers at the
2004 Socialist Scholars Conference in New York City, and offer them for sale. See below.


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