Radical media, politics and culture.

United Kingdom G8 Protest

grumbles writes
"United Kingdom G8 Protest Protest"

A Call out.

The final plenary of the European Peoples' Global Action Conference, which took place in Belgrade, Post-Yugoslavia from 21st-29th July 2004, is calling for a Global Day of Action on July 5-8th 2005 - the opening day of the 2005 G8 Summit to take place at Gleneagles, Perthshire, United Kingdom (Scotland, around 40 miles/70 km from Edinburgh).

They have called for people to join the convergences in Scotland being called for by the Dissent! Network in the UK (www.dissent.org.uk) to disrupt the Summit, and for people to organise and take part in simultaneous actions in villages, towns and cities around the world.

The Call Out will be published soon on: www.agp.org or www.pgaconference.org and on the Dissent! Network website: www.dissent.org.uk

If you are in the UK and want to get involved in the Dissent! Network, go to the Dissent! website and find out how to contact your nearest local group. If there isn`t one near you, set on up!

If you are based outside of the UK, contact: reshape@riseup.net

SPREAD the word!

Other Links: http://www.antig8.info/view.php?langid=3&s=0&sort=

The Events. (Planned)

Date/ Location/ Event

2nd. July 2005/ Edinburgh./ 'Make Poverty History March' (Edinburgh)

3rd. July 2005/ Dungavel./ 'Protest at Dungavel Detention Centre' (Ayrshire)

4th. July 2005/ Faslane./ 'Blockade of Faslane Nuclear Weapons Base' (Argyll)

5th. July 2005/ Glenengle Hotel/ 'Convergence on Gleneagles. 'G8' (Perth)

6th-8th. July 2005/ Glenengle Hotel/ 'Alternative Summit. Big Protests. 'G8' (Perth)

9th. July 2005 G8/ Glenengle Hotel/ 'Alternatives Concert. 'G8' (Perth)
