Radical media, politics and culture.


We have been receiving a number of good reports from Venezuela.

First we printed Coup in Venezuela: An Eyewitness Account
By Gregory Wilpert

And later yesterday, we started getting some interesting stuff translted by Lori Zett. These stories include: a translation of document written by the Legal Ministry of Venezuela condemning the coup; a statement blaming the Coup on Chavez's bad leadership; a letter from an activist discribing the civil unrest/resistance to the coup that is not getting covered in the mainstream english or spanish-language media; and finally a message from Guillermo Garcia Ponce (an advisor to Chavez)

Lori Zett writes "I searched the most important newspapers, El Nacional and El Universal in Caracas this morning and there was not a whisper of discent in the population. The following comes from an activist in Caracas.

GOLPE EN VENEZUELA (Coup in Venezuela)

13 de abril del 2002

Información de última hora desde Venezuela

(Most recent information from Venezuela)
Movimiento Cristianismo de Liberación

(from the Christian Movement of Liberation)

En estos momentos, a las 22:15 [del viernes] queremos reportar, desde la redacción de Espacio Autogestionario, los siguientes hechos: Se están dando disturbios generalizados en la zona metropolitana de Caracas, concretamente podemos decir lo siguiente:

At this monent, at 22:15 (Friday) we want to report, from the editing [desk] of Espacio Autogestionario, the following facts: there are general disturbances in the Metropolitan district of Caracaqs, we can say the following concretely:

La nueva institucionalidad se fue al carajo. Las
contradicciones entre la clase empresarial y los
excluidos culminaron con un Golpe de Estado que
resguarda los intereses del poder económico y el
suministro de materia prima barata para los países
desarrollados. Eso es lo que ha ocurrido en la hoy
República Bananera de Venezuela que preside el
dictador Pedro Carmona Estanga.

The new institution went to hell. The contradictions
between the entraprenurial class and the excluded
culminated in a Coup that protects the interest of
economical power and the sumministration of cheap raw
materials to the developed countries. This is what
happened in what is now the Banana republic of
Venezuela that is presided over by the dictator Pedro
Carmona Estanga. [Pedro Carmona E. is the president
of Fedecameras the most important corporate
organization of Venz.]t.n.

nomadlab writes "

Translation of document written by the legal Ministry of Venezuela

Caracas, April 12, 2002

Translated by Lori Zett

The Ministers denounce the coup against Chavez and warn that the President has not resigned.

The ministers called on the Governors and on the Federal Councils of the Government to defend the constitutionality.

The de facto Junta "is violating the constitutional framework of the country."

Louis Lingg writes "B'Tselem, The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories, posts confirmed reports of human rights violations in the Occupied Territories at http://www.btselem.org/English/Daily_Update/index. asp."

Melissa Jameson writes "
War Resisters League Protests Mid-East War

It is time to stop speaking of "violence" in the Middle East and to begin to call what is happening by its right name: war. The long and brutal repression by the state of Israel of the urgent Palestinian demand for independence has escalated into all-out war.

Louis Proyect on the marxmail list posts: "Please spread the word far and wide and call your foreign ministry or the U.S. State Department and tell them not to recognize the new government of Venezuela. Chavez has not resigned! According to people I spoke to this morning, who work close to Chavez, he is being held against his will by the military, who are claiming he has resigned, when he has not. Isolate the new government of Venezuela, so as to support democracy everywhere!"

Coup in Venezuela: An Eyewitness Account

By Gregory Wilpert

The orchestration of the coup was impeccable and, in all likelihood, planned a long time ago. Hugo Chavez, the fascist communist dictator of Venezuela could not stand the truth and thus censored the media relentlessly. For his own personal gain and that of his henchmen (and henchwomen, since his cabinet had more women than any previous Venezuelan government's), he drove the country to the brink of economic ruin. In the end he proceeded to murder those who opposed him. So as to reestablish democracy, liberty, justice, and prosperity in Venezuela and so as to avoid more bloodshed, the chamber of commerce, the union federation, the church, the media, and the management of Venezuela's oil company, in short: civil society and the military decided that enough is enough -- that Chavez had his chance and that his experiment of a 'peaceful democratic Bolivarian revolution' had to come to an immediate end.

This is, of course, the version of events that the officials now in charge and thus also of the media, would like everyone to believe. So what really happened? Of course I don t know, but I'll try to represent the facts as I witnessed them.

TACT1 writes "


As soon as they first hit the headlines in the press hysteria before MayDay 2001, the W.O.M.B.L.E.S. have been relentlessly harassed by the police. Falsely portrayed in the media as violent criminals out for trouble, their only crime is to stand up for themselves - in a culture where the police look more like robocops in their stab-proof vests and NATO helmets, the WOMBLES are attacked because they have white overalls on and cushions stuffed up their jumpers!

Bill Weinberg's World War III Report, #28, April 7, 2002



1. West Bank Re-Occupied

2. Ramallah, Bethlehem Under Siege

3. "Massacre" in Jenin

4. Nablus: Rock the Casbah

5. Morgues Overflowing

6. Slaughter of the Innocents

7. Method to Sharon's Madness?

8. Washington Waffles; Powell Plays Good Cop

9. Arafat Meets US Envoy in Besieged Ramallah

10. Arafat Funds Suicide Blasts--or are Documents Doctored?

11. Sharon Offers Arafat Exile; Palestinians: No Way

12. Javier Solana: Sharon and Arafat Should Resign

13. Ultra-Hardliners Join Sharon Cabinet

14. Ultra-Hardliners Call for Aerial Bombardment

15. Lebanon Next?

16. IDF "Refuseniks" Top 375

17. Israeli Protesters Gassed

18. International Peace Activists Under Fire on West Bank

19. Jose Bove Deported After Meeting Arafat in Ramallah

20. Anti-Israel/US Protests Rock Arab Capitals

21. Media Watchdog Documents Anti-Palestinian Bias

22. Nobel Committee Members Blast Laureate Peres

23. Nobel Laureate Saramago: Ramallah is Auschwitz

24. NYC Mayor Bloomberg: Suicide Bombers are Nazis


1. Northern Alliance Warlords Loot Earthquake Aid

2. Plague of Locusts

3. US Troops Under Fire

4. British "Peacekeeping" Troops in Firefight--Again

5. Navy SEAL Killed by Land Mine

6. Report: Hundreds of Secret US Casualties in Shah-i-Kot

7. Bounty on Heads of US Troops

8. 160 Jailed in Supposed Plot to Overthrow Interim Regime

9. New Jihad Declared Against Karzai

10. Opium War Looms as Karzai Pledges to Burn Bumper Crop

11. Death and Renewal for Nowruz

12. Cult of Masoud: Faithful Flock to Warlord's Grave

13. Uzbek Regime: Pakistan Shelters al-Qaeda

14. Uzbekistan Postpones Democracy

15. Pakistan Postpones Democracy

16. Kazakh Dissident Seeks Refuge in French Embassy

17. One US Carrier Sails Home; Kyrgyzstan to Pick Up Slack?

18. US to Bomb Pakistan Tribal Areas?

19. Who Really Killed Daniel Pearl?

20. Afghan Asylum Seekers Gouged by Aussies


1. Parents of Jewish Dissident Forced to Flee Brooklyn

2. Brooklyn Blast Leaves Orthodox Jew Critically Wounded

3. Al-Qaeda Suspect to get "Special" Treatment

4. John Walker Lindh Photo Reveals Brutal Treatment

5. Second "US Taliban" Moved to Virginia

6. NJ State Court: Secret Arrests "Odious to Democracy"

7. Federal Court Upholds Secret Evidence

8. Feds Hunt Muslim Immigrants

9. Anthrax Paranoia Dims Hindu Festival in Queens


1. Abdullah bin Laden, Family Patriarch, Dead at 75


1. Anti-War Newspaper Debuts With Huge Circulation

2. Passover Terror Victim Gives Life to Palestinian

Full stories are now available at worldwar3 report

aras writes: "University Professors Call For European Boycott of Links with Israel

Press Release -- dateline Saturday 6th April

As of noon on Friday, more than 120 university academics and
researchers from across Europe had signed during the course of three days, an open letter, presented for publication in The Guardian, calling for a moratorium on all future cultural and research links with Israel at European or national level until such time as the Israeli government abide by UN resolutions and open serious peace negotiations with the Palestinians along the lines of the recent Saudi peace plan.

The signatories include more than 90 from the UK, amongst
them 43 university professors including some of the country's leading natural and social scientists. The list includes one signatory from within Israel itself. Other signatories are from Eire, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland.


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