"Deleuze and The Social"
An Edited Anthology, Call for Papers
As a popular field of study and an increasingly utilized tool for social
research, the work of Gilles Deleuze has perhaps come to fulfil
Foucault's prophecy that one day we would see a Deleuzian century.
However, the nature of this century which is becoming so Deleuzian is
arguably plagued by problematics surrounding what becoming 'Deleuzian'
might mean. Studies of Deleuze in relation to philosophy,
psychoanalysis, literary theory, moral reasoning and critical theory
offer insight into the work of this eminent scholar and place Deleuze's
writings in an historical academic context. Simultaneously,
sociological, cultural, architectural, artistic and educational studies
have, particularly over the past decade, become increasingly popularized
by references to Deleuze and his fantastic neologisms. Yet, the space
between these two trajectories; that is, the spaces between Deleuze's
conceptual philosophy, the ethics that underlie them, and everyday
community practices, politics and social relations, remain relatively