Radical media, politics and culture.

Greenpepper Magazine Seeks "Life Beyond the Market" Contributions

"Life Beyond the Market" Contributions Sought

Greenpepper Magazine

GREENPEPPER is an Amsterdam-based environmental and social justice
magazine focusing on direct and autonomist action.

To coincide with the Life After Capitalism conference to be held in New
York City in August 2004 the theme one of the upcoming issues of the
magazine is LIFE BEYOND THE MARKET.GREENPEPPER is currently looking for contributions for the LIFE BEYOND THE
MARKET issue. Topics to be explored include (but are not limited to):

Post-capitalist economic models / solidarity economics / occupied
factories, barter networks, unions of the unemployed / worker collectives
and participatory economics, alternative currencies and land trusts /
autonomous unionism and operismo / self-managed workplaces / Linux and
Open source, forms of gift economies /dual power structures and economic
solidarity. For more ideas on possible contributions see the list below.

Contributions can be written text (either 1000–1500 or 2500-3000 words) or
other visual submissions (1–3 A4 landscape pages) and must be sent to us
by June 15. More importantly, contributions should be critical,
generative of different ways of thinking about and/or visualising these
issues, and relevant to those engaged in political and cultural struggles
around building cooperative economies.

For more information or to send written contributions contact:

To send visual contributions contact :

If you'd like to send us a contribution, please email a brief (50– 100 word)
description or idea to us by 25 May.

To find out more about GREENPEPPER
go to www.greenpeppermagazine.org

:: ideas for possible contributions ::

— participatory economics : specific articles/interviews/case studies
about worker collectives/ self-managed workplaces/ cooperatives.

— worker autonomy: what it means / operismo / refusal of work /
non-alienated forms of labor / autonomous unions / occupied factories /
unions of the unemployed / the IWW / the Mondragon collectives /
importance of worker autonomy as site of cultural/political struggle.

— community economics: self-organized community experiments in health care
/ cooperative agriculture and community gardens / land trusts /
cooperative housing / micro credit projects / participatory budgeting /
forms of mutual aid / gift economies.

— open source coding, Linux, copylefting

— solidarity economics: networks of cooperative economic structures /
cooperation between cooperatives / barter networks / fair trade networks

— pirate economics: monkey wrenching / sabotage / squatting

— post-autistic economics: alternatives to rational actor models

— ecology and resource management: bioregionalism / community supported
agriculture / sustainability and design issues / econeighborhoods