Radical media, politics and culture.

"Subcultures and Political Resistance"

Subcultures and Political Resistance

Call for Papers

Journal: Peace Review: A Journal of Social Justice

Author Deadline: July 15, 2004

Guest Editors: Jeffrey Paris (Philosophy, University of San Francisco) &
Michael Ault (Political Science, CSU Bakersfield)

Length: 2500-3500 words

In recent years, the politics and anti-politics of X-generation youth have
been replaced by the resurgence — and in some cases insurgence — of
subcultural groups. Recent attempts to understand these groups have
brought changes to the older discipline of subcultural studies, and have
even been tentatively dubbed “post-subcultural studies.” Changes linked
to the globalization of culture, music and fashion have made subcultures
less bounded, and the fusion of different styles and politics offers the
possible lens for imagining a global youth counter-culture of diverse
practices of resistance.To help bring together the thoughts of scholars from around the world on
these matters, Peace Review is devoting a special issue to “Subcultures
and Political Resistance.” It is our contention that these forms of
lifestyle, political activism, and tribal identification are constructing
new categories of liberatory imagination. We therefore solicit essays on
the following topics:

· Subcultures as political/anti-political agents

· Subcultures as new social movements

· Subcultures vs. post-subcultures

· Subcultural coalitions: The politics of fluidity

· Subcultures and intentional community

· Subcultures and revolutions of everyday life

· Subcultures with and against technology

· Primitivism, Modern Primitivism, Future Primitivism

· Techno-Hippies? Crossing subcultural boundaries

· Neo-Tribalism

· Punk, anarchism, and the new DIY culture

· Techno and the global underground

· Postmodernism and youth movements

Peace Review is a quarterly, multidisciplinary, transnational journal of
research and analysis, focusing on the current issues and controversies
that underlie the promotion of a more peaceful world. We define peace
research to include human rights, development, ecology, culture, race,
gender and related issues. Our task is to present the results of this
research and thinking in short (2500-3500 words), accessible and
substantive essays.

For writer’s guidelines or to send essay submissions by email attachment
to Robert Elias, Editor eliasr@usfca.edu or Anne Hieber, Managing Editor
hieber@usfca.edu. Or send correspondence to Peace Review, University of
San Francisco, 2130 Fulton Street, San Francisco, CA, 94117. Telephone:
415-422-2910 or Fax: 415-422-5671, Attn. Elias or Hieber.

For information on past and future issues of Peace Review, as well as
writer’s guidelines, please visit:


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