Radical media, politics and culture.

Summer Camp for An-Architects

Anonymous Comrade writes
Camp for Oppositional Architecture

Berlin, Germany, June 25th till 27th 2004

From June 25th till 27th 2004, the political architectural journal An Architektur organizes the "Camp for Oppositional Architecture". This international, open congress is searching for possibilities of resistance within the field of architecture and planning.

An Architektur invites theorists, offices, initiatives and other groups active within these fields to present and develop their positions together.

How could politically relevant work on the basis of planning and architecture or with the means of their critique look like today?

How to criticize the demands of a capitalist production of space?

How to take a non-affirmative part within this powerful contiguity?

The Camp will start on Friday, June 25th with public lectures on "Oppositional Architecture and Planning" and will progress over the weekend with internal working groups. To participate in the internal part please send a paper* explaining your own work and itís objectives as well as your interest in the Camp. According to the incoming proposals, the working groups will be organized.

The topical working groups formulated by now are on: - new clienteles/an alternative construction industry - open source planning/participation - architecture as a form of protest/oppositional ways of building - concepts for widening the scope of the profession The Camp is free of charge. All participants will have free board and the possibility of accommodations in the Camp Space.

*Papers: 1-3 pages description of your work and your interest in the Camp, 1 page image(s)

Register Now!

Please forward this email to people who might be interested in participating. For further information please visit our website: www.anarchitektur.com

Best, An Architektur

The Camp is funded by the Federal Cultural Foundation, Germany