Radical media, politics and culture.

Brian Mackenzie Infoshop Opens, Washington, DC

Anonymous Comrade submits:

The Brian MacKenzie Infoshop had its long anticipated opening on May
5th after four years of planning and preparation. The group of
activists took on the project to provide as a center for radical
thought and in the D.C. area. The non-profit store sells a wide
variety of books and zines on politics, government, feminism, world
issues, anarchy, activism and other subjects that are hard to shop
for in other bookstores. They also have a growing selection of punk,
indie and folk CDs and vinyls.

The space keeps an up-to-date activism events bulletin board, provides
space for meetings and events, distributes info on local groups and
generally makes it easy to be plugged into the activist community. The
cozy basement room provides as a haven for meeting other independent
thinkers and sharing radical ideas in a friendly environment. The
Infoshop is located at 9th and P Sts. in the basement of the Arthur
Flemming Center at 1426 9th St. NW.