Radical media, politics and culture.

New Separatist / Situationist List Forming

The Separation

Radically Separating Ourselves From The World Of

Opposed to the spectacle, to capitalism, and to the
This group will be founded upon the basic principles
of anti-authoritarian, anti-capitalism. A complete
founding document will be written collectively once we
have established ourselves. If a member dissents from
these core principles; he/she will be obligated to
resign from the group due to a conflict of interest.
An obligation to resign will never be moral or

Situationist theory does not represent us in our full.
Rather, we are familiar with it, agree with aspects of
it, and take none of it as absolute dogmas. We are
here because history has created us. We are history,
and are not merely repeating it. We see ourselves in
history as applying ideas that have come before us to
the dissolution of the current state of things, once
and for all. We are not a party, nor will we ever
become one. A party stands to recognize the current
society as legitimate, and we do not recognize it as

We are distinguishable in our absolute distaste for
the totality of this society, and our revolutionary
desire to change society in its totality. We do not
theorize - we act.

The Separation