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Independent Media

"Making Another World Possible?
The European Social Forum"
Les Levidow,

Radical Philosophy

The European Social Forum (ESF) has been inspired by the global slogan ‘Another world is possible’, expressing the need to create alternatives from out of the resistance to neoliberalism. Since its inception in 2002, the ESF has provided an opportunity to debate methods and strategies for turning that slogan into reality. Nevertheless the organizational process itself has become a site of conflicting political philosophies about progressive social change. At issue is how ‘another world’ can be made possible and thus how to shape the aims of the ESF. Although such conflict could be creative and instructive, it has largely marginalized alternative futures from the ESF itself. How did this happen? Such conflicts have been integral to Social Forum events and they were intensified in the preparations for the London event this year.

New Canadian Anarchist Anthology Published

Only a Beginning: An Anarchist Anthology

Edited by Allan Antliff, Published by http://www.arsenalpulp.com>Arensal Pulp Press

Drawing on a wide-range of anarchist publications,
Only a Beginning is the first comprehensive overview
of anarchist theory and practice in North America from
1976 to the present. Compiled and edited by Allan
Antliff, it documents over a quarter-century of
grassroots activism, including protests and
gatherings, art exhibitions, street theatre, Internet
sites, and squats, as well as environmental and
anti-globalization protests, the rise of
anarchist-feminism, the fight for queer rights,
indigenous struggles, and prisoners' liberation.

"UK Foreign Secretary Jack Straw Rants Against Trotskyism"

Ann Talbot, World Socialist Web Site

UK Foreign Secretary Jack Straw sent an extraordinary letter to the Independent newspaper on November 16. It was in reply to an article by Robert Fisk the previous Saturday. In a description of Yassir Arafat’s funeral, Fisk had disparagingly referred to Straw, who attended on behalf of the British government, as a former Trotskyist or “an old Trot.”

Straw responded to Fisk’s factually incorrect aside like a man accused of a heinous crime, stating that to call him a Trotskyist was “a malicious libel.” Far from being a former Trotskyist, Straw indicated that his political sympathies and training could be traced back to Stalinism.

Radio Files from "Renewing the Anarchist Tradition" Conference

Anarchist Theory and Praxis

Summary: Cindy Milstein, Andrea Schmidt, Jaggi Singh, S'ra Desantis, Mark
Lance, Andrew Willis, and Hilton Bertalan presenting on a wide range of
topics and their interface with Anarchist Theory and Praxis.

The Life or Death of the Anti-Globalization Movement?

Chuck Morse and
Marina Sitrin carry on the debate that first appeared in the Perspectives
on Anarchist Theory

Sexuality and Anarchism

Summary: A panel examining the relationship of sex, gender, and sexuality
to power, capital and our movements/work. As anarchists/anti-capitalists
who struggle against the world as is, we must be critically aware of the
changing nature of sex, gender, and sexuality.

The Editor at FreedomToons.org writes:

"Freedom Toons" OnLine

I am writing to progressive websites and organizations in order to introduce Freedom Toons, a new website featuring daily political cartoons that focus on issues such the war on terror, the attacks on civil liberties, the negligence of the mass media, and the economy.

We are not selling anything. We have only been online for a few weeks now, but have much more material that we will be publishing. Hopefully some of the cartoons will resonate with you, so please take a look!


The Editor at FreedomToons.org

"Constituent Imagination:

Research + Resistance in the Global Justice Movement"

Over the past ten years the various tendrils of the global justice
movement have developed a multiplicity of new forms of social resistance.
From occupied factories and neighborhood assemblies in Argentina to
raucous UK street parties and Italian social centers, these new forms of
resistance and organizing have blurred, questioned, and broken down
notions of political action and organization. Far from the “end of
history” predicted in 1989, the circulation and spread of autonomous
struggles and politics worldwide has proclaimed loudly “we are
everywhere.” These forms of social protagonism are developing alternatives
to a neoliberal world in the organization of resistance, constructing new
possibilities through the constitutive power of lived imagination.

Praxis: Drama as Reflective Action for Social Transformation
Call for Contributions

Praxis has been defined as "the action and reflection of people upon their world in order to transform it" (Friere 1972) and "the act of reflectively constructing or reconstructing the social world" (Grundy 1987). Arendt (1958) described praxis as being reflective of a relationship between individuals and their wider community. What is fundamental to the concept of praxis is that it is the integration of reflection with action, or simply, it is action informed by theory, with a view to transformation of the larger social community. The nature of this interaction may be that theory transforms action, which may in turn reshape theory, and so on, in an holistic relationship. It is also essential to this concept that the individuals and/or community are empowered to decide on the changes best suited to their specific contexts, and are enabled to identify or develop the tools to effect such change.

HLanger writes:

Transdisciplinary Journal Of Emergence

The third Issue (Fall 04) of the Transdisciplinary Journal of Emergence (TJE) is available at TJE

The TJE is an academic international online journal by SDA Bocconi Business School, devoted to the study of subjectivity in contemporary society. Issue 3 includes the following contributions:

"The Optimism of Uncertainty"

Howard Zinn, ZNet

In this awful world where the efforts of caring people often pale in
comparison to what is done by those who have power, how do I manage to stay
involved and seemingly happy?

I am totally confident not that the world will get better, but that we
should not give up the game before all the cards have been played. The
metaphor is deliberate; life is a gamble. Not to play is to foreclose any
chance of winning. To play, to act, is to create at least a possibility of
changing the world.


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