Radical media, politics and culture.

2004 Socialist Scholars Conference Recordings Available

2004 Socialist Scholars Conference Recordings Available

Radio Free Maine, Roger Leisner and Joe Friendly recorded the following panels and speakers at the
2004 Socialist Scholars Conference in New York City, and offer them for sale. See below.Opening Plenary

The World Is Not For Sale!
Welcome from Dr. George Campbell Jr., President,
The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and

Bill Fletcher Jr., TransAfrica Forum

Luciana Castellina, No-War-TV, Italy

David Harvey, CUNY Graduate Center

Vittorio Agnoletto, Coordinator of Social Justice
Mobilization, Genoa 2001

Barbara Garson, author, Money Makes the World Go

Naomi Klein, author, No Logo

Miles Rapoport, Demos - Network for Ideas and Action

Available on audiotape cassette, audio CD,
VHS video and DVD video.

Panel #1

The Future of Multilateralism

Socialist Scholars Conference

Chair: Ian Williams, The Nation

Jürgen Dedring, New York University

Ambasador Pierre Schori, Permanent Mission of Sweden
to the U.N.

Susan Woodward, CUNY Graduate Center

Jan Kavan, Czech Parliament, former president, U.N.
General Assembly

Philip Golub, Le Monde Diplomatique

Available on audiotape cassette, audio CD,
VHS video and DVD video.

Panel #12

Geneva Accord and More: How Do We Get There?

Meretz USA

Chair: Lilly Rivlin, Meretz USA

Naomi Chazan, former Member of Knesset, Israel

Yoav Peled, Tel Aviv University

Ghazi Munir Hussein Brigieth, Palestinian,
Parents Circle Family Forum

Robi Damelin, Israeli, Parents Circle Family Forum

Available on audiotape cassette, audio CD,
VHS video and DVD video.

Panel #24

Democracy for Sale: The U.S. Electoral Process Today

Socialist Scholars Conference

Chair: Jeffrey Gold, DSA

Greg Palast, author, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy

Laura Flanders, FAIR, author, Bush Women

Edward A. Hailes, Jr., The Advancement Project

Kele Williams, The Brennan Center for Justice,
NYU Law School

Sarah Tobias, Demos - Network for Ideas and Action

Available on audiotape cassette, audio CD,
VHS video and DVD video.

Panel #36

Porto Alegre, Mumbai: The Future of Global Activism

Socialist Scholars Conference

Chair: Barbara Garson, author, Money Makes the World
Go Around

Giulietto Chiesa, World Political Forum

Carol Barton, Women's International Coalition for
Economic Justice

Vittorio Agnoletto, Coordinator of Social Justice
Mobilization, Genoa 2001

Naomi Klein, author, No Logo

Jean-Pierre Page, Observatoire de la Mondialisation

Tom Mertes, New Left Review

Available on audiotape cassette, audio CD,
VHS video and DVD video.

Panel #55

Revitalizing the Labor Movement

Socialist Scholars Conference

Chair: Michael Hirsch, New Politics

Kim Moody, Labor Notes

Héctor Figueroa, Local 32BJ, SEIU

Michael Zweig, Center for the Study of Working Class
Life - SUNY Stony Brook

Available on audiotape cassette, audio CD,
VHS video and DVD video.

Panel #74
The Internet and Mobilization:
Can You Have a Virtual Movement?

Socialist Scholars Conference

Chair: Ruy Teixeira, The Century Foundation

Harold Meyerson, The American Prospect

Alice Meaker (Iona Bigga Yacht), Billionaires for Bush

Micah Sifry, Public Campaign

Herb Boyd, The Black World Today

Available on audiotape cassette, audio CD,
VHS video and DVD video.

Final Plenary

Left Futures

Socialist Scholars Conference

Chair: Gregory Zucker, Logos

Frances Fox Piven, Graduate Center, City University of
New York

Stanley Aronowitz, CUNY Graduate Center

Stephen Eric Bronner, Rutgers University

Hilary Wainwright, Red Pepper

Manning Marable, Institute for Research in
African-American Studies, Columbia University

Barbara Bowen, Professional Staff Congress, CUNY

Rep. Bernie Sanders, Ind-VT

Available on audiotape cassette, audio CD,
VHS video and DVD video.

Ordering Information

Unless otherwise noted, prices are as follows:

Each audiotape cassette is $11.00.

Each audio CD is $12.50.

Canada & Mexico, add $1.00 for postage.

All other countries, add $3.00.

Each VHS video is $20.00.

Each DVD video is $20.00

Canada & Mexico, add $2.00 for postage.

All other countries, add $5.00.

Free catalog with order.

Without order, send SASE with $1.00 postage.

Payment in US funds must accompany order.

Allow 2 weeks for delivery.

Please make check payable to Roger Leisner and mail to

P.O. Box 2705

Augusta, Maine 04338

These panels were recorded by Joe Friendly and have
some audio/video problems. I will be posting more
information on them at a later date.

Panel #14

The Soul of Capitalism

Socialist Scholars Conference

Chair: Keitha Sapsin Fine, Center for European Studies

William Greider, author/journalist

Robin Blackburn, New Left Review

Nomi Prins, Demos - Network for Ideas and Action

Panel #25

Resistance to War

Science & Society, Historians Against the War

Chair: Marvin Gettleman, Science & Society

Staughton Lynd, Historians Against the War
David Mitchell, Attorney, Vietnam draft resister

Carl Mirra, SUNY Old Westbury, 1991 Gulf War C.O.

Ghanim Khalil, College of Staten Island, CUNY

Panel #39
Domestic Consequences of Empire

Socialist Scholars Conference

Chair: Barbara Epstein, Univ. of California, Santa

Michael J. Thompson, Logos

Philip Green, New School University
Frances Fox Piven, CUNY Graduate Center

Carl Boggs, National University, Los Angeles

Panel #51

Resource Wars

Socialist Scholars Conference

Chair: Richard Smith, author

Barbara Garson, author, Money Makes the World Go

Bill Fletcher, Jr., TransAfrica Forum

Tyson Slocum, Public Citizen

Leslie Fields, Global Sustainability Initiative,
Friends of the Earth-US

Panel #57

Queer Movements and the Left

Socialist Scholars Conference

Chair: Martin Duberman, Lehman College, CUNY

Joseph De Filippis, Queers for Economic Justice

Richard Goldstein, Village Voice

Leslie Feinberg, writer and activist

Trishala Deb, Audre Lorde Project

Alvin Starks, Open Society Institute

Panel #67

Iraq: The Unfolding Consequences of U.S. Policy

Socialist Scholars Conference

Chair: Sungur Savran, writer and activist, Turkey

Christian Parenti, CUNY Graduate Center

Philip Golub, Le Monde Diplomatique

Giulietto Chiesa, World Political Forum

Stephen Zunes, University of San Francisco

Roger Leisner
Radio Free Maine
P.O. Box 2705
Augusta, Maine
04338 USA