Radical media, politics and culture.


"Cinema & Situations:

Japanese Experimental Film Night"

Film Works of Motoharu Jonouchi and
Yoshihiro Kato (Zero Dimension)

November 21st, at 8:00 PM

TONIC, 107 Norfolk Street, New York, NY 10002


Admission $7

PROGRAM A: Films by Motoharu Jonouchi

“Hi Red Center Shelter Plan” 1964

“WOLS” 1965

“The Mass Collective Bargaining At Nihon University” 1968

“Gewaltopia Trailer” 1968

PROGRAM B: A Film by Yoshihiro Kato (Zero Dimension)

“The White Hare of Inaba” 1970 (2004 version)

Information about the directors is available below.

HLanger writes:

"Grave ReMarx: The Dead Keep Accumulating"
March 24-26, 2005, University of Florida

The University of Florida’s Marxist Reading Group
Seventh Annual Conference
Keynote speakers: Warren Montag and Mark Neocleous

How has Marx's promise of a spectre haunting Europe been explained away, ridiculed, or destroyed, and at the same time how does Marx himself haunt our thinking and rethinking of the present world? Rather than a revolutionary class haunting the world, today the left lingers on an always familiar political ground and appears stagnant by its own struggles, failures, and deaths.

marachiko writes:

Get Out of Your Houses and Into the Streets!

A democracy is not just about elections. It is also about freedom of speech and the right of the people to form peaceful assemblies. Liberals and everyone else who opposed Bush's re-election are still sitting in stunned disbelief that the worst US president since Nixon could have hung on to the reins of power. It is time to do something other than wring our hands or sit at home grinding our teeth.

Inauguration Day is coming up on January 20th. It is doubtful that Americans will be allowed to make any statement other than hollow cheers and obsequious fawning at the inaugural parade and festivities. Some have called for a movement to infiltrate the inaugural scene with a pretense of false joy over the event and then silently turning their backs on the dictator-elect when he begins to speak. This is an interesting thought, but I suggest a more vocal and more hard hitting protest.

New Delhi's Raqs Media Collective

New York City, Nov. 7, 2004

Wednesday November 10th, 7:00pm

Multipurpose Room in the Michael Schimmel Center for the Arts

Pace University, 3 Spruce Street, between Park Row and Gold Street
(entrance closer to Gold).

Please join us for a panel discussion with India’s Raqs Media Collective,
moderated by Singapore art theorist Gunalan Nadarajan.

The Raqs Media Collective (Monica Narula, Jeebesh Bagchi and Shuddhabrata
Sengupta) is a group of media practitioners that works in new media &
digital art practice, documentary filmmaking, photography, media theory &
research, writing, criticism and curation. The collective has been working
together since 1991. Their work explores the power of the unregulated
communications of city life: the experience of movie theater audiences in
Delhi, the illegal posters on the sides of constructions sites, the
traffic on websites and chatrooms, or the illegal bootlegging of the
latest Hollywood DVD's. Based in New Delhi, India, Raqs is one of the
initiators of Sarai: The New Media Initiative, (www.sarai.net) a program
of interdisciplinary research and practice on media, city space and urban
culture at the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, Delhi.

"Only A Beginning: An
Anarchist Anthology"

Edited by Allan Antliff

Launch Party

Wednesday, November 10th @ 7pm — Free

@ Bluestockings, 172 Allen St (b/t Stanton &
Rivington), LES

"Only a Beginning" is the first comprehensive overview
of anarchist theory and practice in North America from
1976 to the present. Edited by Allan Antliff, it
documents over a quarter-century of grassroots
activism, including protests and gatherings, art
exhibitions, street theatre, Internet sites, and
squats, as well as environmental and
anti-globalization protests, the rise of
anarcho-feminism, the fight for queer rights,
indigenous struggles, and prisoners' liberation.

nolympics writes:

Paco Ignacio Taibo in New York City

November 11–14, 2004

Spanish/Mexican writer Paco Ignacio Taibo has two dates in NYC this week to promote the new edition of his memoir of the massacre in Thatelolco before the opening of the 1968 olympics in Mexico City. Donald Nicholson Smith, the translator of the book from 7 Stories, wrote about the story here last month.

Tonight, Monday November 11th at CUNY Graduate Center, 365 5th Avenue at 34th St. Skylight Rm. 9th Fl. 6pm.

Thursday 14th November. 7pm. 141 5th Ave Brooklyn. (Park Slope) at the 5th Ave Committee.
Q train to 7th Ave or the 2 or 3 train to bergen.

"Gourmet Cruelty" Lecture

New York City, Nov. 8. 2004

Come out and hear Ryan Shapiro of Gourmet Cruelty speak about the campaign against the foie gras industry.

Kimmel Center, NYU

60 Washington Square South, between Thompson and LaGuardia), Room 901
7:30-9:30 PM

further questions: seal.club@nyu.edu

*non-NYU students, please bring ID

**There will be refreshments served**

Additional Details:

GourmetCruelty.com is a coalition dedicated to exposing the cruelty of the foie gras industry. Just two companies are
responsible for the barbaric practice of foie gras production in the United States — Hudson Valley Foie Gras in New York and Sonoma Foie Gras in California.

Over the course of many months, the coalition conducted a nationwide investigation into the domestic foie gras industry.
GourmetCruelty.com uncovered filthy, crowded conditions and documented an industry standard of disregard for the pain and
suffering inherent to foie gras production.

Investigators took undercover footage of the immensely traumatic forced-feeding process, and rescued 15 of these long-suffering

"After the Fall of America"

Middlebury, Vermont, Nov. 5-7, 2004

In September 2001 the Fourth World organization, based in Wessex, England, sponsored an international conference in Swindon, England, called Radical Consultation I. I am writing to invite you to Radical Consultation II which will be held at the Middlebury Inn in Middlebury, Vermont, on November 5-7, 2004.

RADCON II will be cosponsored with The Second Vermont Republic. The theme of this year's consultation, which will feature a series of lively roundtable discusssions, is AFTER THE FALL OF AMERICA, THEN WHAT?

The underlying premise of RADCON II is that the United States has become ungovernable and unsustainable. If that is indeed the case, then do we go down with the Titanic or seek other alternatives? Among the options to be discussed at Woodstock are denial, compliance, and political reform, proven to be deadends; revolution, rebellion, and implosion, equally problematic; and decentralization, devolution, and peaceful dissolution..

The Second Vermont Republic is a peaceful, democratic, grassroots, solidarity movement committed to the return of Vermont to its rightful status as an independent republic. The Fourth World, which publishes The Fourth World Review, a periodical inspired by Leopold Kohr and Fritz Schumacher, is committed to small nations, small communities, small farms, small shops, the human scale, and the inalienable sovereignty of the human spirit.

Among the speakers and participants at RADCON II will be Human Scale author Kirkpatrick Sale, Emory University Philosophy Professor Donald Livingston, management consultant and author Robert Allio, and former Duke University Economics Professor Thomas H. Naylor.

The conference begins with dinner on November 5 and runs until noon on November 7. We are asking a fee of $85-125 for the dinner and expenses, though you will be responsible for the lodging itself. We hope it will be possible for you to join us for this ground-breaking event.

Schedule is below:

No Matter Who Is Elected,

Say No to War and Repression

Not In Our Name

November 2nd, 2004, 5–10pm Election Day

Union Square south, NYC

Instead of sitting in our homes feeling
powerless while the
election footage dominates the television, bring
constituency to Union Square where there will be
an opportunity for us to
come together to debate, watch resistance
footage and silent
election footage , discuss, hear spoken word
and DJ's will provide music.

We will be doing die-ins, face
painting, writing letters to GI
resisters in Iraq and interactive art.

New York City Social Forum

Oct. 28-30, 2004

The New York City Social Forum is this week! (Oct28-30).
Be sure to check out the schedule below and at www.nycsocialforum.org for more details on the sessions and participants.   

There is a sliding scale of $5/$10/$15 for entry to
the entire event, but we promise the NO ONE will be
turned away.


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