Radical media, politics and culture.


International Symposium on Modernity and Contemporaneity
Pittsburgh, PA, Nov. 4-6, 2004

A detailed schedule, with confirmed presenters (including Fredric
Jameson, Bruno Latour, Antonio Negri, Rosalind Krauss, and Boris Groys)
for the Pittsburgh symposium "Modernity and Contemporaneity," 4-6
November, is now posted at www.mc.pitt.edu. More details below.

CRAP vs. the Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army

T Bag

At approximately 4pm this afternoon [Oct. 18, 2004] a (so-called) pro-capitalist group calling itself CRAP (Capitalism Represents Acceptable Policy) broke away from the anticapitalist bloc of the march to go on a little wander through central London………

This small group of (almost) smartly dressed men and women set off through Covent Garden on the 5th Annual March For Capitalism, waving banners declaring “ Tax the Poor” , “Bombs not Bread” , “War is Good for the Economy” , “I Love My SUV”, “Climate Change? Bring It On” and “Money Is My Life”.

They applauded Starbucks and Pizza Hut (much to the confusion of the staff) and encouraged shoppers to keep on consuming, chanting slogans such as “Free Trade not Fair Trade!” “More War!” “More Blood for Oil!” and “More Oil for My SUV!”

Upon reaching Leicester square the “pro capitalists” we greeted by a cheering, slightly bemused, but laughing crowd (who had actually come to see stars arrive for the premiere of Johnny Depp’s new film).

All of a sudden the Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army leapt out from behind the Depp fans and attacked the pro-capitalists using tickling sticks and bad jokes.

A raging battle ensued and eventually the “pro-capitalists” were forced to flee in the face of the Clowns vision of an anti-capitalist utopia where eveybody’s nice to each other, money isn’t everything and everyone wears colanders on their heads.

The Depp fans applauded, the police looked confused and the Clowns chased the pro-capitalists all the way to Trafalgar Square where some people didn’t get the joke.

… Nevermind

Great Atlanta Pot Festival

Oct. 23, 2004

Hello Fellow CAMPERS! This weekend we are having our yearly rally and I wanted to let you know about it and ask that you join us if you can. If you can't make it, you can still help us out with this year's drive to Legalize!

We are presently updating our web-site at www.worldcamp.org and our ability to assist in the production and defense of 1st Amendment events like this one and the Million Marijuana March, as well as the annual July 4th event in Washington, D.C.

Toronto Anarchist Bookfair

Oct. 23-24, 2004

Welcome Party Friday 22 Oct 2004
* Arriving in Toronto early?

* Visit Uprising Books and Infoshop, 6 Kensington Ave

* In Kensington Market, a fresh food marketplace

* Inexpensive places to eat and drink

Bookfair Saturday 23 Oct 2004

* From 10 am - 4 pm

* At the 519 Church St Community Centre

* Introductory workshops at 519 Church

* And above This Ain't The Rosedale Library, at 483 Church St

Not in Our Name NYC writes:

"No Matter Who Is Elected, WE SAY NO! to War and Repression!"
5pm Election Day, November 2, 2004
Union Square, New York City

Mark Your Calendar… Bring Friends & Join Us for a Community Gathering of Opposition to War & Repression! Come debate, discuss, hear spoken word & music. Bring your transistor radios, bring your friends, and your kids. Check out community organization tables. Participate in a mass die-in (representing those lost in this war on the world). Collectively read "Pledge of Resistance". Write a letter to a GI resister or a soldier in Iraq. Make plans w/others to continue building massive resistance to the agenda of war & repression.

Give Me Back My Lab and My Freedom of Speech!"

A Benefit for Steve Kurtz and Critical Art Ensemble

New York City, Oct. 21, 2004

Featuring Tony Conrad / HangedUp, Christian Marclay / Dj Olive / Dj North Guinea Hills, Tyondai Braxton, New Humans, Dub Trio, Talibam and others T.B.A.

Thursday October 21, 8pm, $12 (two floors of music)

Tonic, 107 Norfolk Street (between Rivington and Delancy)

CONTACT: Dion Workman, 212-358-7501

The Benefit

"Biofeedback: Give Me Back My Lab and My Freedom of Speech!" is an energetic round-up of musicians, entertainers and visual artists who are creating loud and clear feedback in support of Steve Kurtz and Critical Art Ensemble (CAE). This benefit will help raise money for Kurtz's legal fees in a case of FBI harassment and silencing dissent. To date, the CAE Defense Fund has raised an impressive $30,000, but the total costs are estimated at $150,000. There is still hope that the court will realize the absurdity of the case and dismiss Kurtz of charges in December; if this does happen, the fund will be used to help others who may find themselves under similar political scrutiny.

Anne Gray writes:

"Precarious Work/Casualisation

Common Struggles of Migrants and Nationals

A Workshop at the London (Alternative/Fringe) ESF

Saturday 16th October 2004

11.00 to 13.00 at the London School of Economics

(Go to room D702, Clement House, street called Aldwych; tube station Holborn)

Admission free both to ESF registrants and others

Migrants, refugees, asylum seekers and sans-papiers have a central thing in common with the established citizens of Europe; they are exploited workers. The session will focus on this central aspect of our lives. It will analyse how the bosses’ strategies to obtain 'disposable’ cheap labour are supported by states’ attempts to 'deregulate’ labour markets, to pressurise unemployed people into accepting unacceptable jobs, and to fortify immigration control. By bringing together the views and experiences of migrants and others, we can develop ways forward which will unite people of different origins to be more effective in their common struggle against exploitation.

Black Women Writers Dissecting Globalization:

An International Conference on Literature by Women of
African Ancestry

NYU, Kimmel Center for University Life

60 Washington Square South

Organization of Women Writers of Africa

October 12-16, 2004

It's a small world after all, as the growing buzz
surrounding the concept of globalization makes clearer
by the day. However, the people of the African diaspora
have experienced its beauty and ugliness for centuries,
chronicled in Chinua Achebe and Wole Soyinka's tragic
tales of British colonialism, Alain Locke and Frantz
Fanon's scrutinies of blackness on a world stage, and
the lives of Richard Wright and James Baldwin, expats
criticizing a culture that rejected and humiliated
them. With few exceptions, males have dominated this
early examination of blackness on a global scale.

Anonymous comrade writes: "35 years after Stonewall, queer youth of color still fight police brutality...

"Fierce" Rebellion and Ball

New York City, Oct. 16, 2004

"Capital, Empire and Revolution"

London, Oct. 9–10, 2004

As part of the preparation for the London European Social Forum, the journals Historical Materialism and Socialist Register, as well as the Isaac and Tamara Deutcher Memorial Prize Committee invite you to a two-day conference on ‘Capital, Empire and Revolution’ on Saturday 9 October–Sunday 10 October 2004, at Birkbeck College, London (Malet Street, Russell Square and Goodge Street Underground Stations).


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