Radical media, politics and culture.

Allan Antliff, "Only a Beginning: An Anarchist Anthology" Party, New York City, Nov. 10, 2004

"Only A Beginning: An
Anarchist Anthology"

Edited by Allan Antliff

Launch Party

Wednesday, November 10th @ 7pm — Free

@ Bluestockings, 172 Allen St (b/t Stanton &
Rivington), LES

"Only a Beginning" is the first comprehensive overview
of anarchist theory and practice in North America from
1976 to the present. Edited by Allan Antliff, it
documents over a quarter-century of grassroots
activism, including protests and gatherings, art
exhibitions, street theatre, Internet sites, and
squats, as well as environmental and
anti-globalization protests, the rise of
anarcho-feminism, the fight for queer rights,
indigenous struggles, and prisoners' liberation.