Culture Articles from The New Masses
Available in PDF Format here.
Title of article in The New Masses — Date of Publication —
“Author’s Field Day,” NM 12 (July 3, 1934): 27-32 nm001.pdf
Mike Gold, “Proletarian Realism,” NM 6 (September 1930): 5 nm002.pdf
Gold, “Go Left, Young Writers!” NM 4 (January 1929): 3-4 nm003.pdf
Philip Rahv, "The Literary Class War," NM 8 (August 1932): 7-10 nm004.pdf
Gold, “Notes of the Month,” NM 5 (January 1930): 7 nm005.pdf
Harlan Miners materials, NM Dec. 1931 nm006.pdf
Anatoli Lunacharski, “Marxism and Art,” NM 8 (Novemebr 1932): 12. nm007.pdf
Stanley Burnshaw, "Revolutionary Poetry," NM February 1930 nm008.pdf
Edward Dahlberg, "Review of Farrell, Young Manhood of Studs Lonigan," NM February 1930 nm009.pdf
Wallace Phelps, ‘The Methods of Joyce,” NM 10 February 20, 1934): 26 nm010.pdf
Eugene Gordon, “Black and White, Unite and Fight!” NM 13 (October 23, 1934): 24-25 (rev. of Endore, Babouk) nm011.pdf
Obed Brooks, “In the Great Tradition,” NM 13 (November 27, 1934): 23 nm012.pdf
Granville Hicks, “Revolutionary Literature of 1934,” NM 14 (January 1, 1935): 38 nm013.pdf
Edwin Seaver, “Socialist Realism,” NM 17 (October 22, 1935): 23-25 nm014.pdf
Joshua Kunitz, “In Defense of a Term,” NM 28 (July 12, 1938), sect 2: 145-47 nm015.pdf