Radical media, politics and culture.


ReadMe Three

August 2004, Aarhus, Denmark

Dear all!

Below is the info on the conference we'll have as a part of the next READ_ME software art festival (last week of August 2004, Aarhus, Denmark).

savoir faire writes:

"Shock to the System"
Saturday Dec 20th, 2003, 9:30pm
CBGB's Gallery @ 315 Bowery btn 1st/2nd

An NYC Indymedia Video Collective fundraiser &
screening of Miami FTAA
protest and police brutality footage.

David Rovics - Radical Folk Singer
Samoa - (formerly of Voluptuous Horror of Karen
Leftist Country Western
CEO - (the Chronic Electronic Orchestra) Trip-hop
with socially conscious lyrics
Dynamite Club - Avant garde kung fu punk rock
Seth Tobocman - radical slide projection and
spoken word
brad - anarchist love songs
Bat -spoken word
And Others

Featuring a new film from the streets of Miami
shot collectively by dozens of media activists.
Proceeds help replace thousands of dollars of
video equipment stolen by Miami police and to pay
for legal fees for Indymedia journalist.

heresy writes:

"Advertising, treated as commercial speech and invested with First Amendment rights, enables giant private economic entities, in direct proportion to their command of resources, to shape national economic activity as well as national consciousness. The needs of individuals -– actual individuals –- hardly are congruent with the goals of billion-dollar companies.” –- Howard Schiller, Culture, Inc.

New York City’s public spaces are under seige by government collusion with private interests, in a business arrangement that would clearly undermine democratic principle and practice in the informational-cultural sphere.

AnonymousComrade writes:

Issue #3 of the Journal of Aesthetics and Protest

1. Manifesto #3


Bully Pulpit!!

As a magazine, we are a bully pulpit -- we are announcing, “Engage with
the complexities of possibility through reality. In this way, we will
become the better world.”

Anonymous Comrade writes:

Culture and the Unconscious Conference

London, July 9-10, 2004

After our highly successful launch event in July this year, we are very
pleased to announce the second Culture and the Unconscious conference to be
held at SOAS, London on 9th and 10th July 2004. Bringing together,
psychoanalysts, artists and academics, this conference aims to bring the
clinically-based insights of psychoanalysts and the theoretical and critical
approaches of academics into dialogue with one another.

"Babylon Archive"

A found-footage compilation examining the interplay between technology, militarism, and corporate propaganda in American culture.

Produced by UFO (Unknown Frame Observatory, Barcelona)

Screening at ABC No Rio

Thursday, December 18 at 8:00pm

Followed by Craig Baldwin's found-footage masterpiece of underground agitprop:
"Tribulation 99: Alien Anomalies Under America"

--$5--Proceeds to benefit the ABC No Rio Computer Center.

ABC No Rio

156 Rivington Street

(between Clinton & Suffolk)



Anonymous Comrade writes:

On Thursday, Dec 4, 2003 the geneva03 collective wrote a press release explaining their "We Seize" project during the WSIS -- UN World Summit of the Information Society.

WSIS Press Release

Geneva03 Collective

The World Summit On Infomation Society (WSIS) takes place in Geneva from the 10th-12th December, 2003. While the official agenda of this UN/ITU Summit talks about free access to information, the digital divide and equality of opportunities, in reality its doors are closed, its discussions exclusive and the agendas of those who attend it concealed [dissimulé]. What is more, the right to demonstrate and protest has been suspended in Geneva at this time as the usual parade of despots and tyrants fly in to Switzerland to define policy for their own citizens, and the rest of the world, based on the agendas of corporate multinations, media conglomerates and infrastructure owners.

Anonymous Comrade writes:

" 'Information' Double-Issue of Greenpepper> Magazine:

Launch at Polymedia Lab"

Greenpepper Editorial Collectif

The Greenpepper double-issue on information is a 64-page magazine published in the run-up to the WSIS and beyond.

Anonymous Comrade writes:

"A Bridge to Africa"

A caravan of artists, media activists, scientists and technicians from all over the world is presently gathering in Andalucia in the south of Spain. The Euro-African project will cross the Straits of Gibraltar in December, and move south along the west-coast of Africa [map], reclaiming the Straits as a bridge, not a boundary. The Caravan describes itself as "a sound system, a circus, a mobile cinema and a stage for theatre and performance". It is constantly open for everyone who wants to participate.

Mama APOC writes:

APOC Zine Call for Submissions
Fifty years ago, Ella Baker said: “Strong people don’t need leaders.” This sentiment is being expressed on the streets of New York, Philadelphia, Durban, Caracas, Buenos Aires, San Francisco, Seattle and Michigan. Within this growing anti-authoritarian movement has been the emergence of diverse voices of people of color. Coming off the recent APOC Conference in Detroit, and the follow-up meetings of APOC-NYC, we recognize the need for a space for anti-authoritarian POCs to share ideas, experiences, analyses and creative expressions.

Thus, we are putting together a zine of writings, art, and anything creative or even helpful by anti-authoritarian POCs on the East Coast. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

* anti-racism
* environmental justice/sustainable communities
* gender identity
* sexuality
* racism and sexism within activist movements
* day-to-day survivals (when you feel like you’re not contributing anything to the “movement”, but actually are fighting – daily resistance to those exercising power over you)
* how-to practical guides (anything from navigating social bureaucracies to fixing a bike to cheap, healthy cooking)
* global movements of resistance

Suggested Guidelines: Prose pieces should be in the range of 250-1000 words. Poetry is welcome as well, as is artwork (which includes drawings, photographs and cartoons). If you send stuff by snail mail and you want it returned, you must send a SASE!! Otherwise, it will become part of our personal collections J. Please send submissions by e-mail to apoczine@aol.com. Snail mail address also available. Please e-mail us to get it."


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