Radical media, politics and culture.

"Information" Double-Issue of <I>Greenpepper</> Magazine

Anonymous Comrade writes:

" 'Information' Double-Issue of Greenpepper> Magazine:

Launch at Polymedia Lab"

Greenpepper Editorial Collectif

The Greenpepper double-issue on information is a 64-page magazine published in the run-up to the WSIS and beyond.Hot off the press it will be launched at the polymedia lab on wednesday evening in conjunction with the presentation of a dvd on alternative communication networks essembled by the Geneva03 collective and CandidaTV.

The contents of the magazine are divided into four sections with articles by the following contributants.


wsis overview: Sasha Costanza Chock

informational autonomy: Alan Toner

community/micro media resistance: Info Espai

immaterial labour: Critical Art Ensemble, interview Part1


biotech and infotech: Critical Art Ensemble interview Part 2

biopiracy and bioinformatics: Michael Dorsey

biotech and intellectual property: Faith Wilding


radio: Radiophony: Vickram Crishna

structures of participation: Bureau Of Inverse Technology, Stevphen Shukaitis

wireless networks: Decoy [Ascii Amsterdam]

opensource tools: Michel Reimon


data bodies: Critical Art Ensemble interview Part 3

overview of surveillance systems and expansion of state power, postS11: Drew Hemment

digital profiling and social sorting: David Lyon

biometrics: Gavin Sullivan

Until the magazine can be viewed at http://
the articles can also be read on the wiki page used for the production process:
http://www.seedwiki.com/page.cfm?wikiid=3108&doc=G reenPepper

Greenpepper is an Amsterdam-based environmental and social justice magazine focusing on direct and autonomist action.

Backissues can be viewed at http://squat.net/cia/gp/greenpepper


Overtoom 301,
1054 HW Amsterdam,
The Netherlands