Radical media, politics and culture.

The Two-Percent Putsch: Crisis at PacificaIain A. Boal

Turkey's Tattoo PoliticsPiotr Zalewski

Every year on November 10, at exactly 9:05 a.m., Europe's biggest city comes to a halt. Air raid sirens begin to blare. Pedestrians freeze in their tracks. Schools, factories, and government offices suspend work to observe two minutes of silence. On Istanbul's massive thoroughfares, cars, buses and trucks screech to a stop, their drivers and passengers spilling out onto the street, many of them teary eyed, to stand to attention.

Slavoj Zizek Is a Bourgeois Snob!Christian Lorentzen

A long line of fans formed around the stage at Cooper Union to have Slavoj Zizek sign books. They rattled off their names for the philosopher's dedication.

"Ian," said one.

"Like the writer," said Mr. Zizek, "McEwan."

"Kelvin," said another.

"Like the stupid temperature."

"Austin," said a third.

"Like Texas."

"Anna," said a fourth, "with two n's. I'm from Denmark."

Thousands Protest in Seoul Before G20 Summit Reuters

SEOUL - Tens of thousands of people took to the streets of Seoul on Sunday in a largely peaceful protest against this week's G20 summit as the city went on heightened alert for the meeting of world leaders.

Authorities ramped up security at the weekend in preparation for the arrival of 10,000 participants, including 32 heads of government and leaders of international organizations, for the summit on Thursday and Friday.

Submit to "Upping the Anti"

Pitches due December 3, 2010; first draft due January 7, 2010

UPPING THE ANTI: A JOURNAL OF THEORY AND ACTION is a radical journal published twice a year by a pan-Canadian collective of activists and organizers. We are dedicated to publishing radical theory and analysis about struggles against capitalism, imperialism, and all forms of oppression.

"The Origin of Writing," Draft for Download John Morton

Deadline of 10/20/10 for Video Submissions on "Play" to Blockaded Guggenheim Show Sandra Skurvida, for Specify Others

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

I am writing to inform you about the call for video entries in response to the Guggenheim's and YouTube's Play biennial, which will comprise an online database entitled SanctionedArray, to be launched at WHITE BOX in New York City on October 25th and 26th. The deadline for submissions is October 20th.

FBI Raids Homes of War Protesters Randy Furst and Abby Simons, Minnesota Star-Tribune

Search warrants were executed on six addresses in Minneapolis and at two addresses in Chicago in an "investigation into activities concerning the material support of terrorism."

Early Modern History Lessons: The Potosí Principle

“On the Lower Frequencies of Art Basel, Miami Beach” Erick Lyle


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