"Don't Nuke Our Climate!" Young Friends of the Earth Europe
Whilst UN climate negotiations take place in Cancun, European youth have been taking action in Brussels to demand climate justice. As part of an international day of action to oppose false solutions to the climate crisis, 30 young people from across Europe today targeted European institutions and corporations which support and fund nuclear energy. The message is simple: nuclear power is unsustainable and unacceptably dangerous.
“Social Science and Cultural Politics” 12th March 2011 - Sociology Department, University of Warwick (UK)
5th Annual Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Conference CALL FOR PAPERS
Boog City Renegade Press Night, with Autonomedia's Jordan Zinovich ACA Galleries, 529 W.20th St., 5th Flr., NYC on Dec. 14, 2010
d.a. levy lives: celebrating the renegade press
New York City Small Presses Night Tues. Dec. 14, 6:00 p.m. sharp, free
with Argos Books, Autonomedia, Fractious Press, Kaya Press, LoudMouth Press, New York Quarterly and music from Matteah Baim with Golden Slumbers
Curated by Cristiana Baik and Svetlana Kitto
ACA Galleries, 529 W.20th St., 5th Flr., NYC
Telling the Truth about ClassGáspár Miklós Tamás
COP-16 Day 2: The Specter of Tragedy and Klimaforum Intlibecosoc
"The Crisis and the Capitalist System Today" Hillel Ticktin
Saturday 4 December, 1.30pm. Marx Memorial Library, 37a Clerkenwell Green, London EC1, near Farringdon tube.
COP-16 in Cancún: Day 1 Intlibecosoc
Call Montreal’s 6th Annual International Anarchist Theatre Festival
The Montreal International Anarchist Theatre Festival (MIATF), the only theatre festival in the world dedicated to showcasing anarchist theatre, is currently seeking submissions to be staged in May 2011.
Application deadline for the Montreal International Anarchist Theatre Festival: January 20, 2011.
The Antagonistic University? A Conversation on Cuts, Conviviality and Capitalism
Anja: Let me begin by posing three questions. Firstly, it’s becoming increasingly apparent that modes of labour are appropriating cognitive, communicational and affective skills. What does this mean to you for the political potential of academic and collaborative work?
Embodied Materialism in Action: An Interview with Ariel Salleh Gerry Canavan, Lisa Klarr, and Ryan Vu