Radical media, politics and culture.

In the Streets

Anonymous Comrade writes
"From June 23-25th 2003 the Ministers of Trade, Agriculture and Environment from 180 nations, including all member states of the World Trade Organization (WTO), will meet in Sacramento California at a summit hosted by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), USAID, and the US State Department. This meeting will be a stepping stone to the September WTO Ministerial in Cancun and the Summit of the Americas scheduled for Miami in November. This meeting will be held the same time as an "Expo On Agricultural Science and Technology" which will be showing off the "benefits" of transnational agribusiness and biotechnology.

collettivo pace writes "Civil Disobedience for Peace

Collettivo Pace

Fifteen Fragments from

H. D. Thoreau’s “Resistance to Civil Governement” (1849)


The standing army is only an arm of the standing government. The government

itself, which is only the mode which the people have chosen to execute their

will, is equally liable to be abused and perverted before the people can act

through it. Witness the present Mexican war, the work of comparatively a few

individuals using the standing government as their tool.

hydrarchist writes "Update on Genova.g8

written by Laura Tartarini, lawyer of Genova Legal Forum

Almost two years after the events in Genoa and every day is still important to add new evidence to the massive frame work made up by material gathered and collected during investigations carried out by the prosecution and amongst the other figures. That is evident to those us who are sneaking and walking into the halls of this city's Court, this is extremely important.

The amount of data gathered, once seeming endless, has nowadays started to give a clearer picture and ,above all, it will allow us to be able to ask Formal Prosecution requests of which each one will have to have an answer in
Court .

Salvation Isreal writes "Universities in Turkey Say 'No War' "

Check the photos of the latest demonstration at Bogazici University on April the 1st


On the 17th of March, student social clubs and student representatives of different faculties at Bogazici University (Istanbul/Turkey) allied to demonstrate a massive protest against US Liberation(!) attempts on Iraq. There were over 800 students from several dorms, classes and departments. There were also teaching assistants, researchers, instructors, and administrative staff and syndicalists of university. The organization was held by Council of Students Social Club.

Um and Uh writes "This from the People's Law Collective:

We have reports of 107 people arrested at the Carlyle Group. These include folks who
were simply swept-off the sidewalk by cops and undercovers and were not
participating in civil disobedience.

As of 1 pm we have information that they were all taken to 1 Police Plaza - follow
the link above for a map to 1 Police Plaza.

To support the arrestees at 1 PP you should plan to go there around 5 - 6 pm.
Usually folks get released from the back of 1 PP, at the end of Park Row. Go to PLC
website for release and support rally updates."

Savior Fare writes:

Join the M27 Coalition and activists around the country on Monday, April 7 by taking direct action against the war and those who profit it from it!

A mass civil disobedience is planned at the offices of The Carlyle Group, 58th and Fifth Ave, during morning rush hour (exact time to be decided). Carlyle stands to profit mightily from both the war on Iraq and the post-war " reconstruction".

Who is The Carlyle Group? It is an investment firm managing some $14 billion in assets, including stakes in a number of defense- related companies. Former Defense Secretary (and deputy CIA Director) Frank Carlucci, former Secretary of State James Baker and, former President George Bush are all top level "cheiftans" in this company (and until recently the family of Osama bin Laden also had a stake in this company). Among their holdings is United Defense Industries, a maker of armed vehicles and weapons, which filed in October to raise up to $300 million in an initial public offering of its shares. They are a major defense contractor and are a private firm, with ties to former heads of State and to the current White House: i.e. George Bush Sr. stands to profit fromt he wars his son is waging. This is why they are being targeted."

collettivo pace writes:

"Notes on the US' Attack on Iraq - For A New "Peace" Movement.

We don't live any more in a happy period where "no war" meant "peace" immediately…

by Collettivo Pace (Parigi)


As some Latin-American counrtries' actual situations show us well, the neo-liberal globalisation begins to be rent everywhere on our planet. Further, there are some "drop-out" regions, which have never enjoyed any benefits from the neo-liberal globalisation and which will never enjoy them in the future. Iraq after the First Gulf War is one of these "drop-outs".

over my dead body writes "The "Over My Dead Body" project is a world wide, online, virtual demonstration, politicising the major themes of globalisation and the economy, the environment, etc. The federating platform is the promotion of "the politics of generosity" to unblock the stranglehold of financial and nationalist self-interest upon the world's destiny.

It is evident that the current war programmed against Iraq enters within a definition of corporate imperialism: thus protest against the war is currently at the top of the "Over My Dead Body" project's agenda.


Anonymous Comrade writes:

The pie-throwing flan-archists of the Biotic Baking Brigade have struck
again, this time targeting a corporate media reporter responsible for spewing
misinformation about the massive anti-war protests in San Francisco.

Malatesta writes "No Business as Usual!

Get your affinity groups together and plan for autonomous direct actions against the war in the streets of NYC at on Thursday 3/27 at 7AM!

NYC Anarchists and Anti-Authoritarians are calling for city-wide, roving street blockades and other autonomous actions to protest the US war machine.

Disrupting the city is as simple as 123:

1) Pick your target -- any busy street or intersection will do.

2) Your affinity group takes the intersection until the cops come and then runs away to a new street or intersection.

3) Rinse. Repeat.

This is just one idea. If your affinity group has a good idea, go and do it! However, the more people doing street blockades, the more effective the overall action will be.

Stop the War and Don't Get Caught!"


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