Radical media, politics and culture.


Intense Security Keeps DNC Protesters Caged and Streets "Creepy Calm"

Karen Branch-Brioso, St. Louis Post-Dispatch

Boston — Whether they're from this host town of the Democratic National
Convention or from places such as Lincoln County, Mo., they all seem to

"I'd say this is the most intense security I've seen in my life," said Ron
Hartmann, 61, of Eolia, Mo., as he held up an anti-abortion sign outside the
barricaded FleetCenter where Democrats launched their presidential
convention Monday.

Sgt. Bill Fogerty, a Boston police officer for 36 years, concurred. "I've
seen tight security," he said. "I've never seen security like this."

Anonymous Comrade writes
«Alarmstufe Rot» in Athen angelaufen
Deutsche Presse Agentur

Athen (dpa) - 19 Tage vor Beginn der Olympischen Spiele hat in Athen die «Alarmstufe Rot» begonnen. Dies ergibt sich aus einem als «geheim» eingestuften Schreiben des Polizeipräsidenten Griechenlands, Fótios Nasiákos, das die Zeitung «To Wíma» veröffentlichte.

Demnach nehmen am bislang umfangreichsten Sicherheitsprogramm allein in Athen 19 502 Polizeibeamte und 10 422 Militärs der eigens zu diesem Zweck gebildeten Olympia-Division teil. Der Plan unter dem Code-Namen «Polydeukes» beschreibt die Schutzmaßnahmen für rund 6 000 offizielle Besucher, Mitglieder der Olympischen Familie, 10 500 Athleten und 20 000 Journalisten.

9/11 Commission Report Available Online

The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (also known as the 9-11 Commission), an independent, bipartisan commission created by congressional legislation and the signature of President George W. Bush in late 2002, is chartered to prepare a full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, including preparedness for and the immediate response to the attacks. The Commission is also mandated to provide recommendations designed to guard against future attacks.

The Commission has released its final report, available in PDF format, here.

Bill Templer writes "Israeli and Palestinian progressives mourn the death of libertarian activist, anti-Zionist and grand pacifist Toma Sik (1939-2004), killed in a tragic accident on his farm in his native Hungary, to which he returned from Tel Aviv in 1996. He died on the fields of the pacifist organic commune of "new peasants" he was building.

Vigilante in Afghanistan Says He Worked for U.S.

Sayed Salahuddin, Reuters

KABUL (Reuters) — An American arrested in Afghanistan with two countrymen for illegally detaining people he suspected of being Islamic militants said Wednesday he was working for the U.S. government, and he had evidence to prove it.

"Enforced Democracy: The Bolivian Referendum"

Jennifer Whitney

La Paz, Bolivia — After a long day of tension, rumors, and ocasional provocations,
Bolivian polling stations have closed and the counting of votes is
underway. But the results are already known. Regardless of whether the
"yes" vote or the "no" vote wins, Bolivia’s most valuable natural
resource — natural gas — will remain in the hands of the

Youth Converegence for Books Not Bombs

New York City, Aug. 28, 2004

Before a week in the streets against the Republican National Convention... Come to NYC on August 28 to build the youth & student movement!

We are a generation that wants peace, but for the last four years, we've seen only war, terror, occupation. We are a generation that wants freedom for all of us, but theirs is a government that's abandoned the very liberties they claim to fight for.

"Hard Man For a Tough Country"

Paul McGeough, Sydney Morning Herald

His enemies say he was an assassin for Saddam Hussein. Now Iyad
Allawi is accused of personally executing prisoners.

Hold the doctor up to the light and there are flaws in the glass. We
are not quite sure how Iyad Allawi became Iraq's interim Prime
Minister and no one knows just how and why he fell out with Saddam
Hussein. It is unclear whether his preoccupation with security
outweighs a professed love for democracy or what that might mean for
Iraq's 25 million people.

Telos Editor Paul Piccone Dead of Cancer

The long-time editor of the once-radical journal Telos Paul Piccone, died in New York City on Monday, July 12, of cancer. His date of birth, in L'Aquila, Italy, is not known.

Piccone immigrated to Rochester, New York at age 14. He received a Ph.D. from State University of New York at Buffalo in 1970.

We will post more details as they become available to us.

"Stay Inside:
The Republicans Are Coming"


This memo [follow the link above to the
Village Voice website to see the scan of the
memo] was left on the doormats of residents of
Penn South, a 3,000-unit cooperative development
located near Madison Square Garden.

The city,
already addled by 9/11, prepares for the
inconveniences the convention will bring. Being
told by the management to "If at all possible,
stay inside during the times the convention is in
session" is just the latest in a series of
infringements that have come to define life in
the city. What's interesting is how closely these suggestions mirror hurricane or tornado safety
tips — ("Be sure to shop for extra food and water") — leading one to wonder, what hath god and Mayor Bloomberg wrought, and what the hell did we all do to deserve it?


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