" 'Wider-Fi' Widens"
Leslie Brooks Suzukamo, St. Paul Pioneer Press
It could have been a disaster when Otter Tail Corp. moved one of its corporate offices out of downtown Fargo, N.D., in 1999 and suddenly found itself beyond the range of high-speed, data-carrying telephone lines so vital to its business.
The local telephone company's offer of a slowpoke dial-up connection didn't meet Otter Tail's need for fast Internet traffic. So Joy Fetting, Otter Tail's information technology director, took a radical step.
She chose a wireless carrier, connecting the utility company's 20-person office to the Internet through a small rooftop dish antenna and bypassing the phone company's buried lines.
Four years later, Otter Tail's connection is still wireless and now faster than a T-1 landline — at less than half the cost.