Chavez Takes Command of Venezuelan Territorial Army
Patrick O'Donoghue
Speaking to followers on February 4 at a march to
commemorate the February 4, 1992 failed coup attempt, Chavez
Frias claims that Venezuela history was divided into two on
that day in a before-after scenario.
"We are revolutionaries and not
coupsters ... and the revolution is
not complete," Chavez said.
Turning to the situation inside the FAN, the President
maintains that the military revolution seeks first of all to
strengthen the corps, secondly, the civil-military unity and
thirdly, the people's participation in national defense
through the territorial army.
The reason why he is taken over command of the reservists,
Chavez Frias says, is to take the weight off FAN components
since they have too much to do already, especially regarding
beefing up the country's integral defense.