Anonymous Comrade writes"Apology for the algerian insurrection
I started a (very bad) translation of the book in French "Apologie pour l'insurrection Algerienne" written by Jaime Semprun and published in 2001. The whole book in French:
If i have time i'll translate an article published in a french anarchist paper "Le Monde Libertaire" (weekly of the Federation Anarchiste Francaise). In the article they give updates and also criticism to this algerian insurrection for its lack of social-class claims and perspectives.
Karim Al Majnun
Jaime Semprun
Edition de l'encyclopedie des Nuisances
60, rue de Menilmontant, XXe arr.
Quevedo said about Spanish people: " they haven't been able to be historians but they deserved to be ".
This is still right concerning the 1936 Spanish revolution: others have written the history of the events. It's too early to write the history of the insurrection that started in Algeria during spring 2001, but it's not too late to defend it; in other words to fight the deep indifference, puffed up with historic recklessness, as we see it in France.