Radical media, politics and culture.


hydrarchist writes: from Aufheben, September 2001:

Anti-Capitalism as Ideology...and as Movement?

Preface: From anti-"globalization" to opposing the war

The events of 11/9/01 occurred as we were preparing this edition of
Aufheben for printing. Naturally the development of a class opposition
to the ‘war’ has become a major concern of those who do the magazine.
With events changing from day to day, we have decided to limit our
comments here to a few updates to the Israel/Palestine article and
this preface to our article on the ‘anti-capitalist movement’.

Before the attacks on the Pentagon and World Trade Centre, a great
deal of attention had been focused on the mobilizations against "globalization".
At the mobilization in Genoa, confrontations between demonstrators
and police reached a new peak of ferocity. A lot of eyes turned toward
the next big event - the Washington meetings of the World Bank and
IMF - to see where it was all going. September the 11th changed everything.
A ‘war on terrorism’ has been declared. What sort of war this will
be remains to be seen. (Colin Powell’s definition of its aims as a
prolonged campaign against those who threaten, 'America, Americans,
its allies and American interests throughout the world' actually sounds
like a description of aims of standard US foreign policy.)

autonomarc writes "On the media's coverage of the Washington DC protests against the IMF and Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian territories, speeches were given by various activist and progressive groups, such as Palestinian and African-American nationalist groups, the AFL-CIO, the International Action Center (IAC), and A.N.S.W.E.R. (Act Now To Stop War And End Racism). Both IAC And A.N.S.W.E.R. are Stalinist front groups for the Workers World Party, which supports the Tiananmen Square massacre of 1989 and the Soviet invasions of Hungary 1956 and Czechoslovakia 1968. Many of the speakers chanted “Free, Free Palestine”, held portraits of Yasser Arafat, and the audience began repeating the chants with fervor and enthusiasm. The rhetoric in the speeches were typical Leftist drivel, entirely non-rational and endemic of mob mentality, ingrained authoritarian mindsets, and the complete absence of rational discussion and argumentation, critical thinking skills, and non-violent communication.

nomadlab writes "Granma has translated an interview with Eduardo Galeano that was printed in the April 10th edition of La Jornada.

the entire text can be found at

Granma International

here is an exerpt:

[Argentina and Uruguay] are countries overwhelmingly populated by immigrants, and here it’s interesting to note that that’s the basis of a universal perplexity, given the magnitude of a crisis like the one being suffered by Argentina, which is a veritable tragedy. There is universal perplexity because people don’t understand how such a thing could happen in a white, well-nourished country without a demographic explosion. The event in itself calls into question the theories of anthropologists, sociologists, political scientists and other "ologists" who, for example, identify underdevelopment and poverty with social explosions — things they say occur in obscure regions of the planet, regions condemned by destiny to suffer poverty because of the color of their skin, as a result of a miscegenation that did not bear good fruit. But contrary to those racist interpretations of human misfortune, episodes like this one in Argentina appear, and they can’t understand how it could have happened."

Jason Adams, "Nonwestern Anarchisms:

Rethinking the Global Context"

"The future of anarchism must be appraised within a global context; any attempt to localize it is bound to yield a distorted outcome. The obstacles to anarchism are, in the main, global; only their specifics are determined by local circumstances." -- Sam Mbah

The journal Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa, and the Middle East seeks critical essays for a special issue entitled “Comparative (Post)colonialisms: The Literary Issue.” We are interested in papers that explore comparative perspectives on postcolonial literature and theory, that critically examine the hegemony of colonial languages within postcolonial studies, and that investigate how postcolonial theory might be enriched, critiqued, nuanced, or exposed through the perspectives of non-colonial (indigenous or “lesser taught”) languages, comparative literature, or area studies. How does the field of postcolonial studies as currently constituted in the academy contribute to the linguistic, cultural, or institutional dominance of English? What kinds of texts, discourses, or practices elude, or are repressed by, this framework? What “blind spots” are revealed in postcolonial theory from the perspective of texts or traditions not in a colonizer's language? What ideological or strategic roles do specific languages play in texts, institutional contexts, politics, or history?

Please submit essays of between 5,000 and 12,000 words (note and reference inclusive), by September 15, 2002. Essays should be formatted in Chicago style and use the Library of Congress transliteration system for romanization, without diacritical marks. We prefer electronic submissions to Waïl Hassan (whassan) and Rebecca Saunders (rasaund), though essays may also be submitted in hardcopy to Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa, and the Middle East, Department of English, Box 4240, Illinois State University, Normal, IL 61790-4240. Relevant books for review are also welcome.

Michael Hardt, "Rather Barbarism Than Socialism!"

An Interview with Sweden's Arbetaren

A conversation with Michael Hardt about immaterial labor, the role of labor unions, barbarism vs. socialism, and how to formulate "actively pedagogical" demands, from this week's issue of the Swedish Syndicalist weekly Arbetaren.

It's really not too common that a brick-sized, theory-filled communist book gets so widely discussed as Empire – a globalization-bible turning many traditional conceptions of what the left "should" think about globalisation, the state and socialism upside-down. The book has received both praise and criticism from unexpected directions. Arbetaren met Michael Hardt, one of the authors, for a talk about Empire and multitude, barbarism and socialism, immaterial labor and the role of unions.

The second issue of The Red Critique, an online Marxist journal of analysis of the contemporary, is now available at:
Red Critique

Kimberly DeFazio, "Urban Post-Theory, Class and The City"

Julie Torrant, "Family, Capital and the Left Now"

Ranganayakamma, "Are Marxian Categories Adequate to Understand 'Gender' and
'Caste' questions?"

Jennifer Cotter, "The Guardian of Profit"

Rob Wilkie, "'Destiny' is the Articulation of Class Power"

We invite classical Marxist critiques of the contemporary for our next issue. Please see submissions guidelines on our website.

A new issue of Cultural Logic is now on line at:

cultural logic

Here is the index:


Theodore W. Allen

"On Roediger's Wages of Whiteness

Bill V. Mullen

"Notes on Black Marxism"

Ahmet Öncü and Ahmet Hasim Köse

"Re-Considering the Meaning of 'Scientific Management' from a Marxist

Nicholas J. Smith

"Why Hardcore Goes Soft:
Adorno, Japanese Noise, and the Extirpation of Dissonance"

Susanne Soederberg

"Deconstructing the Neo-liberal Promise of Prosperity and Stability:
Who Gains from the Maquiladorization of Mexican Society?"

Sam Coombes

"Sartre's Concept of Bad Faith in Relation to the Marxist Notion of False
Inauthenticity and Ideology Re-Examined"


"Living History: Talking with Tito"

An Interview with John Gerassi by Tony Monchinski

"Big Apple Redux"

An Interview with Marshall Berman by Tony Monchinski


E. O. Wilson's Consilience

Reviewed by Lucas MacKenzie

Paula L. M. Moya and Michael Hames-Garcia, eds.,
Reclaiming Identity: Realist Theory and the Predicament of Postmodernism

Reviewed by Barbara Foley

Satya P. Mohanty's Literary Theory and the Claims of History:
Postmodernism, Objectivity, Multicultural Politics


Paula L. M. Moya and Michael Hames-Garcia, eds.,
Reclaiming Identity: Realist Theory and the Predicament of Postmodernism

Reviewed by Carol J. Moeller

Alan Gilbert, Must Global Politics Constrain Democracy?
Great-Power Realism, Democratic Peace, and Democratic Internationalism

Reviewed by Alan Spector


Puja Ahluwalia

"Dorcelina Falador"

Sean Thomas Dougherty

"American Sonnet #1" and Other Poems

Dee Rimbaud

"A New Clean American Dream"

Best wishes,

David Siar, co-editor

The journal Historical Materialism: Research in Critical Marxist Theory is aiming to publish a symposium on the theme of 'Marxism and the Fantastic', and we are looking for papers interrogating this topic in any fruitful way. We are open to consideration of 'the fantastic' in psychological terms, but we are particularly interested in discussions of the non-real, the fantastic in arts and literature.

Marxist theory has long engaged with modernist movements such as surrealism. In addition, there is already a body of Marxist theory engaging with science fiction, as exemplified in the work of Darko Suvin, Fredric Jameson and Carl Freedman. However, there is as yet no body of Marxist work which systematically engages with "the fantastic" more generally conceived, either perceiving science fiction as a subset of the fantastic, or opposed to it. We would like to make a start at filling that gap.

Introducing the International Simultaneous Policy Organization

zeroworkaholic writes Noam Chomsky has indicated his interest in the International Simultaneous Policy project, British in origin, about which, read on:

"The principal barrier to the implementation of any significant measure to improve today’s economic, environmental or social problems, be they in advanced, developing or non-industrialised countries, is competition. Global de-regulated capital flows and corporations know no national boundaries and by their ability or threat to move elsewhere, force nations to compete with one another for capital, jobs (and therefore votes) and ever scarcer natural resources.


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