Radical media, politics and culture.

The Truth About The Coming Insurrection
Or, the Misadventures of a 'Pataphysical Hoax
by The Indigestible

[Reposted from Not Bored]

A member of the College of 'Pataphysics, at which I have a seat on the Commission of Liceites and Harmonies (Usury Sub-Commission), I have judged the moment favorable, notably with respect to the most recent developments in the "Tarnac Affair," to make several clarifications concerning both the activities of the aforementioned College and the true motivations behind my text, The Coming Insurrection.

ACTA Treaty is DMCA on Steroids Kevin Carson

[Reposted from Center for a Stateless Society]

In last year’s election campaign Obama came across as vaguely more friendly to open-culture than the alternatives, among other things supporting “fair use” reform of the DMCA and opposing requirements for ISP data retention (both issues on which Hillary waffled). As somebody put it, “Obama’s a Mac and Hillary’s a PC.” Even the U.S. Pirate Party endorsed Obama as the least evil candidate.

Who Were the Witches? Patriarchal Terror and the Creation of Capitalism Alex Knight

This Halloween season, there is no book I could recommend more highly than Silvia Federici’s brilliant Caliban and the Witch: Women, the Body, and Primitive Accumulation (Autonomedia 2004), which tells the dark saga of the Witch Hunt that consumed Europe for more than 200 years.

Grasping the Political in the Event Maurizio Lazzarato

[This interview with Maurizio Lazzarato (ML) was conducted on 27 November 2008 by Brian Massumi (BM) and Erin Manning (EM). It is reposted from "Micropolitics: Exploring Ethico-Aesthetics," Inflexions: A Journal for Research-Creation, No. 3. October 2009.

Maurizio Lazzarato: ML Brian Massumi: BM Erin Manning: EM

Flying Universities - Flash Research Workshop - Warsaw November 4 - 8 2009

Signs of Revolt Exhibition – Creative Resistance and Social Movements since Seattle London 11/13 - 11/22

EXHIBITION AND TALKS Space Hijackers/Ultimate Holding Company/Reel News/kennardphillipps/ Cactus Network/Jonathan Barnbrook/Nick Cobbing/Pedro Inhoue/Noel Douglas/David Gentlemen/Guy Smallman/Jody Boehnart/ Jess Hurd/Leon Kuhn/Notes from Nowhere/Movement of the Imagination/Rebel Clown Army/ Indymedia London/Laboratory of Insurrectionary Imagination/Creative Resistance Research Network/ Turbulence/ War Boutique/Climate Camp

The Heart of India Is Under Attack Arundhati Roy

A shortened version of this article appeared in The Guardian (UK), Friday, October 30, 2009. This is the full version. Ed.]

To justify enforcing a corporate land grab, the state needs an enemy — and it has chosen the Maoists

"Marx, Cognitive Capitalism and the Transition to the Commons" Michel Bauwens

[Snatched from a longer list-exchange at the Institute for Distributed Creativity, ed.]

I think we do have to accept that we are no longer in a mercantile, nor industrial capitalist logic, but in a third phase of cognitive capitalism. My thesis is that the marxist thesis, of a organized working class taking power and then changing society, has been discredited. Not only because it didn't happen in the last 200 years, but because it is based on a misreading of history.

The Atrocity Organization: JG Ballard & the Technologies of Psychopathology Management :: Tuesday November 10th :: 5PM :: Foundry, London :: 86 Great Eastern Street ::

A kind of waiting madness, like a state of undeclared war, haunted the office buildings of the business park. – J.G. Ballard, Super-Cannes

"Driven From Below": A Look at Tenant Organizing and the New Gentrification Andrea Gibbons

From Institute for Anarchist Studies


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