Radical media, politics and culture.

The Knowledge Movement Franco 'Bifo' Berardi

Since the beginning of the modern age autonomy has been a defining feature of scientific progress and of the institution of university. It is not only a formal juridical aspect, but an epistemological prerequisite that prevents knowledge from beginning a purely instrumental technique.

Small Efforts To Contribute To Working Class Resistance In Today's United States Kevin Keating

Since the early 1990's, actions in the San Francisco Bay Area around mass transit, described here,


the initial impetus behind this,


End of the Recession? Who’s Kidding Whom? Immanuel Wallerstein

The media are telling us that the economic “crisis” is over, and that the world-economy is once more back to its normal mode of growth and profit. On December 30, Le Monde summed up this mood in one of its usual brilliant headlines: “The United States wants to believe in an economic upturn.” Exactly, they “want to believe” it, and not only people in the United States. But is it so?

Voina, The Russian Art Anarchists, Explain Themselves"Marlon Dolcy

The Russian art anarchist group Voina is known for drawing an enormous cock on a bridge opposite the ex-KGB offices, and instigating a sex party in a museum. Last week UK street art phenom Banksy declared that all profits from his current print sale would be gifted to the group's defense. We spoke to the group (half of which were replying from prison).

Almost Telegraphic Franco "Bifo" Berardi

Many things to say and little time to say them.

Thanks, But No Thanks, WikiLeaks! Saroj Giri

Is ‘exposing power’ through ‘truth revelations’ set to become the new game in town? Is it a mere coincidence that Bradley Manning becomes no Rosa Parks but a mere conduit for ‘digital anarchism’ and ‘infoliberaton’, with WikiLeaks working in tandem with corporate media houses?

Beware of the State’s AnarchistsNihilist

[re. 12-23-2010: "Anarchy in the EU; Today's mail bombings at the Swiss and Chilean embassies in Rome are thought to be the work of anarchists. Two employees who opened the packages are both ..."]

Let's remember the last "anarchist" bombing...
