hydrarchist writes "Crimethinc Women's Book Project
We are working on a new Crimethinc book by women, about women, and for
everybody. This is not a book about gender, although gender will be
addressed: this is a big shaggy compendium of inspiring, useful,
thought-provoking writing and art about all the things that we as radical
anarchist women are interested in.
Like what?
Community building, trainhopping, anti-racism, love, how to construct a log
cabin, how to alter a billboard, how to start a collective, aging, DIY mental
health, badass women throughout history, patriarchy, childbirth, pornography,
sewing, capitalism, basically anything you've ever wished you could find in a
book like this. And that?s exactly where you come in: we won't know what
belongs in the book until you send it to us...