Radical media, politics and culture.

Patrice Riemens on Hacker Culture

Louis Lingg writes "cryptome.org has posted a translation of Some thoughts on the idea of 'hacker culture' by Patrice Riemens, originally published in the French journal Multitudes.

An excerpt: '...the points of convergence between the activities of hackers and those of (political) activists are many, and they increase by the day. It is becoming more and more
evident that both groups face the same threats, and the same adversaries. As expert technological knowledge - especially of ITC - that sits outside the formally structured (and
shielded) domains of corporate or political power gets evermore vilified in the shape of '(cyber-)terrorist' fantasies, paranoia, and finally, repression, while at the same time this very
expertise is increasingly being mastered and put to use by the enemies of the neo-liberal 'One Idea System', stronger, if circumstantial, links are being welded between hackers
and activists.'"