Radical media, politics and culture.

Participation Sought for "Anti-Globalization Movement" Survey

My name is Nathan Moore, and I'm working on an undergraduate thesis
project at West Virginia University about the current "anti-globalization"
movement. If you could take a few moments to answer the following questions, it
would be much appreciated. Please email your responses to nmoore5@wvu.edu and
pass the survey along to any friends and appropriate listservs.

Since my research calendar is limited, please try to have responses back
to me by March 10, 2002. Responses received after March 15 or so will
probably be too late to be tallied.

Please do NOT include your name unless you feel moved to. Your identity will be kept strictly confidential, and your email address will be deleted as soon as your responses are cut and pasted. Names and specifics in your responses that could lead to your identification will be altered if used in my final research presentation.

There are two types of questions in this survey. For questions in which answer choices are given, please place an "X" on both sides of your chosen answer. Also, please specify if your answer is "Other." For the open-ended questions, please answer as completely as you think answers the question.

Your participation is voluntary; thus you do not have to answer every question. However, your honest answers would greatly help in the process of this research. Thank you.

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First, I'm going to ask a few demographic questions to get an idea of the
average respondent.

1. What is your age? ____

2. What is your occupation? _________________

3. What is your gender? ______________

4. What do you consider to be your race/ethnicity? _______________

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Next, I'm going to ask some questions about your activist involvement.

5. Do you consider yourself to be part of the "anti-globalization"

a. Yes

b. No

6. Which, if any, mass mobilizations have you been involved in? (please
check all)

a. WTO protest 1999, Seattle

b. IMF/WB Protest 2000, Washington, DC

c. Republican National Convention 2000, Philadelphia

d. Democratic National Convention 2000, Los Angeles

e. Presidential Inauguration 2001, Washington, DC

f. FTAA Protest 2001, Quebec City, Canada

g. WEF Protest 2001, Davos, Switzerland

h. G8 Summit 2001, Genoa, Italy

i. WEF Protest 2002, New York

j. Others (please list)

7. With what political label(s) do you most identify? (please check all

a. Liberal

b. Green

c. Unionist

d. Feminist

e. Socialist

f. Communist

g. Anarchist

h. Anti-capitalist

i. Radical

j. Unaffiliated leftist

k. Other (please specify) _____________________

8. How did you first get involved in activism, especially around
anti-globalization issues?

a. I joined a student activist group

b. My church was involved in existing efforts

c. My friends and I started a group

d. I saw a local protest

e. I saw media coverage of international protests and became interested
f. My parents were activists and I've been involved as long as I can

g. Other (please specify) __________________

9. Who are some of your main influences? Which authors, historical
and individuals have helped develop your political consciousness?

- - - - -

Next, I'm going to ask some questions about your views of the
"anti-globalization" movement.

10. How would you characterize the "anti-globalization" movement?

a. This movement is a single mass movement with one targeted goal

b. This movement is a convergence of several movements

c. This movement is both a mass movement with a targeted goal and a
convergence of several smaller movements.

d. None of the above (please explain)

11. People have come up with many terms for the current movement(s). What
term(s) do you think most aptly describes the movement and why?

a. Anti-globalization

b. Anti-corporate globalization

c. Global Justice

d. Anti-capitalist

e. Globalization from Below

f. Other (please specify) ____________________

g. The movement should not be labeled.

12. In what ways have past movements influenced this one? (please check
that apply)

a. The current movement is not rooted in past activist traditions

b. The current movement borrows heavily from identity movements of the
and 1980s

c. The current movement borrows from tactics of the civil rights movement
the 1950s and 1960s

d. The current movement borrows from the anarchist tradition, especially
the 1890s and early 1900s

e. The current movement borrows somewhat from past activist traditions,
also differs a great deal in its approach

f. Other (please specify):

Please explain your choice/response:

13. In your opinion, how long will the current anti-globalization movement

a. It has already reached its peak

b. 2 more years

c. 5 more years

d. 10 years or more

e. This movement will not end until a radical transformation in power has

14. How divided/sectarian do you consider the anti-globalization movement?

a. The movement is very divided, with radically different tactics and

b. The movement has its divisions, but these differences are marginal.

c. The movement is largely unified with widespread agreement on tactics

15. In your opinion, will the movement suffer significantly because of

a. These differences will eventually lead to the downfall of the movement,
if they haven't already.

b. These differences will negatively affect the movement, but it will

c. These differences will create only marginal tension and little
to the movement's progress.

d. These differences are what will make the movement so successful.

e. None of the above (please specify)

- - - - -

Next, I'm going to ask you some questions about tactics among
anti-globalization activists.

16. What do you think of property destruction, as a tactic, at protest
events? (check all that apply)

a. I oppose it, on the grounds that it is wrong to vandalize personal or
corporate property.

b. I oppose it, on the grounds that it detracts from the movement's

c. I oppose it, on the grounds that it puts non-offenders in the path of
police backlash.

d. I support it, since there is often no other way to gain media

e. I support it, since vandalizing certain property sends a clear symbolic
message to the elite.

f. I support it, since it's of utmost importance to support each other's
forms of expression.

g. I have no strong feelings either way.

h. My feelings are mixed, and I neither oppose nor support this tactic.

17. Which type of demonstration is most essential to the

a. Local actions

b. Regional protests

c. Mass mobilizations

d. They are equally important

e. The scale of the action is not the main factor

f. Other (please specify)

18. The anti-globalization movement has become well known for protesting
meetings of supranational institutions. What does this tactic accomplish?

19. Mass mobilizations have probably been the most visible actions that
anti-globalization activists have participated in, but they're certainly
the only actions. Of the local projects you and your organizations been
involved in, please list and explain the two or three you consider most

20. Many have said that the anti-globalization movement couldn't have
happened without the internet. Comment on this statement, and explain how
internet organizing/networking has worked in your experience.

- - - - -

Next, I'm going to ask for your opinions on the media.

21. The mainstream media's coverage of news events is:

a. Almost always unbiased

b. Mostly unbiased

c. Biased as often as it is unbiased

d. Mostly biased

e. Almost always biased

f. No opinion

22. The mainstream media's coverage of news events is:

a. Almost always accurate

b. Mostly accurate

c. Inaccurate as often as it is accurate

d. Mostly inaccurate

e. Almost always inaccurate

f. No opinion

23. The mainstream media's coverage of protests is:

a. Almost always unbiased

b. Mostly unbiased

c. Biased as often as it is unbiased

d. Mostly biased

e. Almost always biased

f. No opinion

24. The mainstream media's coverage of protests is:

a. Almost always accurate

b. Mostly accurate

c. Inaccurate as often as it is accurate

d. Mostly inaccurate

e. Almost always inaccurate

f. No opinion

25. What role can Indymedia and other independent media outlets play in

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Finally, I'm going to ask a few broad, open-ended questions. You may use
this space to comment on anything you think was left out of the survey.

26. If you could meet one political or corporate elite, who would it be
what would you say/do?

27. What do you hope the anti-globalization movement can accomplish?

28. How do we make a better world?

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Please email responses to: nmoore5@wvu.edu by March 10, and pass along to
friends and listservs. Thank you for your participation.