Radical media, politics and culture.

Adrian Gargett, "Nothing Natural///Black Planet"

"Nothing Natural///Black Planet"

Adrian Gargett

"War is not conceptualised here in Clausewitz's sense -- an implement of policy. War in its extremist sense is not an implement of any kind, and not in the slightest a political one. The comparison of war to politics is not -- in actuality -- one of methodological supplementary, but more exactly, one of the uncontested to the area of its possible circumscription. Only when it has been ordered/disciplined, and repressed in its tropism to total subjugation, can the miserable dog we understand as 'war' be suppressed to the influence of policy; as the negative force of the state. War breaks out of the Clausewitzean definition to embrace its wilder qualities; the cosmological nobility illustrated by Herakleitus, and the lines of hydraulic complexity traced by Sun Tzu. There is equally an inexorable signification in which war is beautiful -- particularly when contrasted to the sickening inanity of work -- given that even its desolate appearances overrun into something severe, flowing, and wild. War is an excessiveness of chances, which are fairly uniform with its shocking cruelty as a despised evil spirit trailing a grisly bloodbath, the gutter breeding-ground of vermin and contagion. Whatever its horrific fascination, there is nothing more overwhelmingly demeaning than war. It alone is truly base."

Full story: http://newworlddisorder.ca