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Free Speech Denied When Using Microsoft FrontPage

nomadlab writes: "I just saw this on slashdot.org. Microsoft's user license for the new version of frontpage puts legal limitations on what you can publish on the web if you use frontpage to author your site.

In the box was the "Microsoft Frontpage 2002" license on a four-page folded sheet, titled
"End- User License Agreement For Microsoft Software." Under Section #1, Grant of License, the second paragraph
headed "Restrictions" states in part: "You may not use the Software in connection with any site that disparages
Microsoft, MSN, MSNBC, Expedia, or their products or services, infringe any intellectual property or other rights of
these parties, violate any state, federal or international law, or promote racism, hatred or pornography."

Maybe the next version of Word will add criticism of the current government?"