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What if a rifle cost the same as a care bears movie

salamander writes "

We could all have gone our whole lives without knowing about tactical shopping, good thing Walmart is spreading the word. They have issued an incredibly broad letter to the ISP hosting re-code.com, demanding that the ISP shut down the re-code site, reveal the name of the person behind the site and identify any other project maintained by that person/persons. Certainly worth reading (at Re-Code.com), and the site itself is very well done.

What is Re-Code.com?

Re-Code.com is designed to stimulate discussion about the prices of products and goods as they might relate to corporate and governmental agendas. Re-Code.com does not advocate relabeling items in stores. Re-Code.com servers do not store any barcode images only the data entered by our customers which is not verified by re-code.com to be accurate. Any image of a barcode you see on your screen is generated and visible only to you the user on your local machine. The video commercial on Re-Code.com's site is a dramatization and we have been assured by the anonymous videographers that no actual items were mislabeled or mispriced during the taping of the commercial. We have received several suggestions for conceptual options for tactical shopping and re-coding. The options are discussed below.

Tactical Shopping Options using Re-Code.com

What if products were not subsidized? What if the price of motor oil was directly tied to the price of human life? What if a rifle cost the same as a Care Bears movie? These are all part of the options we encourage you to come up with for re-coding. The goal is to raise awareness about the true costs of products. All of these options are based on products found at Wal Mart stores.

Option 1

Defend your family and home against the potential terrorist threats. They are everywhere. Switching Ortho Home Defense Repellant Spray (UPC ID 7154904870) with Mossberg Model E35 12 gauge pump shotgun (Product ID 1581361120) may prove interesting for the cashier and the other shoppers.

Option 2

Methinks there is more to the war with Iraq than getting rid of a bad guy or avenging the twin towers. Try switching Secrets Air Freshener (UPC ID 4650061448) with 1qt of Mobil 10W-30 Oil (UPC ID 7192424806) to intrigue those around you. Too Many Secrets!

Option 3

If we are to believe the mainstream news, casualties are very few in the current war. Why not suggest that our military begin strategic Nerf strikes by replacing Winchester Light Target Load Ammunition (UPC ID 2089200442) with Nerf Ballistic Balls (UPC ID 7628161348). Ain't no war like a Nerf war.

Option 4

War costs money. Oil makes money. Luckily our leaders who guide us towards war are also involved in the oil industry or they would be as poor as the rest of us. Try switching a Wal Mart Cash Drawer Playset (UPC ID 7666616008) with a 2 gallon Gas Can by Blitz (UPC ID 4454950810).

Option 5

America kicks ass. GW might be that backyard bully that picked on us at the playground but now he's all growed up and kicking ass for the red, white, and blue. Try switching Slinky U.S. Flag Spinwheels (UPC ID 2899853600) with Mattell's Master's of the Universe He Man figure (UPC ID 7429957599).

Option 6

A real patriot supports war to keep our taxes low. Try switching H&R Block's Tax Cut Standard software (UPC ID 3529010084) with 5 quarts of Pennzoil 10W-30 Motor Oil (UPC ID 7161193761). Keep those taxes down.

Option 7

Apparently operation iraqi freedom is all done because the U.S. just wants to show how much it cares for the world. Show how much you care for GW's war by switching the Rambo Trilogy DVD set (UPC ID 1223612537) with The Care Bears Movie VHS (UPC ID 2761685244). Many videos can be switched. Also try switching The Patriot DVD (UPC ID 4339605702) with Apocalypse Now on DVD (UPC ID 9736096294).
