Radical media, politics and culture.

New Orleans Anarchists, "Social War Continues"

Tension Collective writes:

Here is some anarchist anti-war propaganda that anarchists in New Orleans have distributed hundreds of. Distribute at will.

Fuck the war! Steve Stuart, Tension Collective


Once again the government is beating the drums of war calling us to kill people in far away countries. So are we supposed to just get in line and salute the flag? Or should
we take the more courageous path, the path of resistance? Most people in America are unconvinced by the President's (make no mistake, he is not "our" president) rhetoric
about weapons of mass destruction and Iraq's supposed plots to use them to attack the US.Why are we attacking Iraq? Well the reasons are many. For one, we failed to catch Osama Bin Laden so we need a new enemy to beat up on. Second, our economy is lagging and
we need something to take it out of the spotlight. Third, Iraq was getting more powerful in the Middle East before the Persian Gulf War in 1991. We gave them poison gas and
missiles to kill Iranian soldiers and civilians, and believe it or not, they eventually stopped that war and wanted to focus more on expanding their power. Well the United
States couldn't have that because we need that oil! So we attacked them to put our former puppet back into its place.

We accept neither their war, nor their peace. Wars are never in our interest and only serve to gain more power for the governments and natural resources for the
corporations, i.e. the rich get richer and more powerful by telling us to kill and get killed for the country and for "freedom." Peacetime is a joke; our lives are being
eaten away by our mindless and meaningless jobs where we exhaust ourselves everyday. We try to cope with drugs, prescription pills, and the latest TV fad or by going out
and buying things we don't need. Meanwhile cops kill our brothers and sisters in the streets. Peactime is when the government makes war on its own people and wartime is
when the government makes war on foreign peoples. We will have no more of this.

Just as we do not accept their war or peace, we support neither Saddam Hussein nor George W. Bush. Both are tyrants, both don't think twice about killing their own people,
and neither one gives a shit about us. So we choose the third way, the path of resistance to this world order of perpetual warfare and servitude. We want to live free to
follow our passions and dreams, not some abstract concept like patriotism or nationalism. So refuse military service, encourage others not to fight their wars, and instead
fight so that we can destroy every constituted authority, all power and every state.

Written by the Tension Collective in New Orleans, LA (Nola Anarchy)

E-mail us at tension collective