Michael Bell writes:
"What is Money?"
Michae Bell
Someone once said, or there was a song entitled, “Money is the root of all Evil”. So I ask, “ What is Money?”
* Is it a means of exchange, a facilitator?
* Is it a metal object, a piece of paper, a book entry, a hand shake?
* Is it tangible, solid, structural or is it an illusion?
* is it a commodity, like sheep, like iron ore, like bread?
* Does it grow, is it alive, is it conscious? If not, who creates, directs,
controls it? Is it out of control?
* Does it need control? Will it kill us? Who benefits, who looses?
* Is it a health hazard? Is it responsible for depression? Did it create
or extend gambling? Does it cause excessive or lack of medication?
* Does it support the rich or the poor?
* Does impede creative thinking, support for the impoverished?
* Does it cause poverty, dumping, deprivation, global warming?
* Is it responsible for wars, resource depletion, environmental
degradation, design obsolescence, high technical solutions, structural
* Does it accelerate the depletion of the earth’s resources, oil, minerals,
soil, rain forests, oceans?
* Does it create or impede progress?
* Is it a catalyst for development?
* Who needs it, banks, multinational corporations, stock markets,
supermarkets, governments, nomads, the people?
* Is it necessary for the proliferation of free trade agreements?
* What does it achieve, growth, booms and busts, inflation,recessions?
* Does money in the form of unearned income create inequities?
* Are compound interest rates the problem or is it money itself?
* Should the use of money be changed?
* Should interest be abolished or should it be replaced by a fee on
* Should money be abolished or just taken out of the hands of banks,
and financial institutions, including stock exchanges?