Radical media, politics and culture.

Cooperation and Human Nature Bernard MarszalekJAS Econ

Here are two excerpts from a recent news feature.

"I cannot direct anybody to do anything that they do not want to do. All decision-making is by consensus."

All around . . . groups organized themselves in democratic cooperatives, arranged in an anti-hierarchy. All deliberations are open -- and exhaustive. Everyone gets their say no matter how long it takes. "It is bottom-up and not top-down."

The Brave New World of Work Armin MedoschThe Next Layer

This text is a first draft, trying to identify key topics for an inquiry into the new organisation of labour. It starts with a historic analysis and then explores the notion of Post-Fordism.Specific sections are devoted to cognitive capitalism, the creative industries, informational capitalism and the split between manual and mental labour. It ends with a modest proposal for an alternative path of development.

We Want the Full Loaf (not just a child support grant) Mnikelo Ndabankulu

[Presentation at the Development Action Group Workshop, Cape Town, South Africa, 18 November 2009]

The Slums Act

The Slums Act first came to our ears as a Bill in 2006. The information about this Bill came to us indirectly through our sources.

Building a Mass Movement Save the Planet, Fight Racism Anonymous Comrade

"Eyes Closed and Covered:" The "Internationalist" Blockade in GermanyVolker Weiss

[The long-standing conflicts inside the Left in Germany on the issue of nationalism emerged again a few weeks ago in Hamburg when some activists violently blockaded the showing of the film "Why Israel?" by former Jewish anti-fascist partisan Claude Lanzmann. This text analyzes the incident, and attempts to contextualize it within a broader political and historical framework.]

The NecrosocialOccupied UC Berkeley

18 November 2009

"Being president of the University of California is like being manager of a cemetery: there are many people under you, but no one is listening." UC President Mark Yudof

"Capital is dead labor which, vampire-like, lives only by sucking living labor." Karl Marx

"Politics is death that lives a human life." Achille Mbembe

Conversation with Raoul Vaneigem Hans Ulrich Obrist

Hans Ulrich Obrist: I just visited Edouard Glissant and Patrick Chamoiseau, who have written an appeal to Barack Obama. What would your appeal and/or advice be to Obama?
