Radical media, politics and culture.

24th Marxist Literary Group Summer Institute, Pittsburgh, June 16–23, 2002

24th Marxist Literary Group Summer Institute

Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, June 16–23, 2002

The Marxist Literary Group announces the 24th annual summer Institute on Culture and Society. The Institute began as a three-week seminar featuring Fredric Jameson, Terry Eagleton, and Gayatri Spivak, among others as faculty. Over the years, it has evolved into a more or less week-long event, that remains different from the usual academic conference. While papers are presented at many of the sessions, others are structured as
reading groups or discussions. Film and video screenings, and poetry and fiction readings are often included. Participants are encouraged to stay for as much of Institute as possible, and discouraged from just dropping in for a single session. While we try to accommodate all participants who want to present a paper, many participants choose not to present.

This year's Institute will take place in Pittsburgh at Carnegie Mellon University from June 16 to June 23. Likely participants include John Beverley, Jamie Owen Daniel, Rich Daniels, Samuel R. Delany, Barbara Foley, Grover Furr, Philip Goldstein, Fred Pfeil, Marcus Rediker, Modhumita Roy, Matthew Rubin, Michael Ryan, Carol Stabile, and Elayne Tobin (partial list).

Those interested in attending should consult
mlg for further information. Those wishing to be included on the program should submit a proposal by May 15 (preferably by email) to Jamie Owen Daniel
jdaniel and David Shumway shumway.