Radical media, politics and culture.

Liberalism, Autonomy, & Family Conference, May 2002, Univ. of Warwick, UK

On Saturday 4 May 2002 from 10.00am to 6.30pm, the Department of Politics
and International Studies at the University of Warwick will host its fourth
annual conference for postgraduate students working in political theory or
political philosophy. The three previous events have been very successful,
attracting a wide range of high quality papers, and participants from many
countries. Past participants have reported that the conference provides a
useful opportunity for graduate students to gain experience and receive
feedback on work in progress.

As well as postgraduate papers, there will be two Plenary Sessions. Prof.
Harry Brighouse (Institute of Education, London) and Dr. Matthew Clayton
(Brunel) will debate Liberalism, Autonomy, and the Family. Dr. Stuart Elden
(Warwick) will discuss Heidegger's Rhetorical Politics.

Postgraduates interested in giving papers should send abstracts (400-500
words) by no later than March 29, 2002. Papers may deal with any area within
contemporary political theory, political philosophy, or the history of
political thought, but should take no more than twenty minutes to present.
Those interested in attending the conference should reserve a place no later
than April 19, 2002. Attendance is free of charge.

All correspondence, or further inquiries, should be addressed to Dr. C.
Woodard, either at PAIS, University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL, or

If you would like a poster version (Word attachment) of this message please
either contact Chris or stuart.elden@warwick.ac.uk