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Antisemitism in the Greek Left

NeverForget writes:

"When the
Masks Fall…:

Anti-Semitism and the Left"

•“What the anti-semite wants, what he prepares, is the death of the Jew” (Jean Paul Sartre)

On the evening of the 1st of August in the year 2006 an event took place that not even those who thought they had an idea about the anti-Semitism of the “traditional” Greek leftwing parties could envisage. After a mass evocation of anti-Semitic hysteria a pack of supporters of the Greek Communist Party and its youth wing “broke through the pig’s chains” (as they proudly wrote in the Rizospastis – the party organ), protecting the Holocaust Monument in Plateia Eleytherias (“Place of Freedom”), and desecrated it with photos against the war in Lebanon.

The breaking of the taboo — upholding the respect for the memory of the victims of the Nazis, not by fascists, but by people calling themselves leftwing — is the latest climax of a recent series of anti-Semitic manifestations in both word and deed in which the Greek Communist party (KKE) has played a leading role.And so we have the phenomenon of the most law-abiding of the leftwing parties, the most virtuous of organizations when it comes to following police directions, attacking these “uniformed workers” with extreme militancy solely when it is a question of desecrating the monument in honour of the victims of National Socialism, a monument which was built only after years of intensive discussion and lobbying.

The desecration of the Holocaust Monument and the jubilation of the anti-Semitic pack are akin to the rallying cries flaring up a moral climate which can only lead to a pogrom – attacking all those who count as Zionists. The so-called left already talk openly in their forums, spreading conspiracy theories “about the role of the KIS” (Central Israelite Council) in Greece.

We stand in full solidarity with the condemnation of the desecration of the monument issued by the Israelite Community of Thessalonica, which, among other things, states:

“This monument, inaugurated in 1997 by President Konstantinos Stephanopoulos, was dedicated by the Greek state to the memory of the 50,000 Greek Jews of Thessalonica who were exterminated by the Nazis. Every and any attempt to combine this with other events is amiss and insults the memory of these innocent victims.”

We condemn this desecration as a nauseating anti-Semitic act and call all those who have not fallen to anti-Semitic hatred and ideology to offer resistance against such deeds and solidarity with all those who are in danger of becoming victims of anti-Semitic attacks.
Against the desecration of the Holocaust Monument .
Solidarity with the Israelite community, with the Jews in Greece.

Café Morgenland

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