Radical media, politics and culture.

ABC No Rio Celebration NYC July 21

ABC No Rio CELEBRATION - Friday July 21

To all ABC No Rio supporters and patrons; past &
present volunteers and participating artists,
activists, musicians, performers, poets, and writers;
neighbors and fellow-travellers:

On June 29 we at long last acquired title to our
building at 156 Rivington Street!!!

We couldn't have done it without you!!!

Please join us for an Open House and Celebratory
Gathering to mark this momentous occasion!!!


8:00pm to midnight-ish

(drink cheap beer, eat free snacks, listen to tunes
and testimonials, grin wildly while hanging-out with
your favorite ABC No Rio characters as they tell you
"believe it - it's true!")

ABC No Rio, 156 Rivington St, LES

F/J/M/Z to Delancey / Essex