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Swedish Batko Group, <I>Dissident</i> #2: Insurrection and Anarchism

The Batko Group writes:

Dissident #2: Insurrection and Anarchism

Swedish Batko Group

The Swedish journal Dissident has now published their issue about Insurrectionary anarchism in English on their website: http://www.batko.se/en_index.php

Insurrectionary anarchism is an attempt to formulate a tendency within the revolutionary movement, a perspective that is always present in the class struggle and emerges from it, and how we as revolutionaries should relate to this.

What the insurrectionary anarchists have contributed with, and what makes them so interesting, is that they with a point of departure in the classical principles of anarchism (direct action, propaganda by the deed, an undogmatic view on theory etc.), and derived from their own analysis of the contemporary reality, have tried to cast the whole of the formal workers movement overboard, and with it everything it implies of ideological prejudice, traditions and alienating structures.

Instead they have initiated the incredibly ambitious project of formulating a completely new coherent theory for the totality of revolutionary practice, something that actually can bring us closer to the revolution, not just talk about it. They try to formulate and rationalize the spontaneous perspectives that constitute the driving force of the class struggle and they have actually come quite a long way.

The Batko Group