Radical media, politics and culture.

"Colonial Dreams & Autonomous Zones," Barcelona, May 30-June 4, 2006

"Colonial Dreams & Autonomous Zones"

OVNI 2006

Barcelona, May 30–June 4, 2006>

OVNI [observatori de video no identificat] 2006 presents a week-long selection of video, independent documentaries and media archaeological materials dealing with Colonialism and its mutation into Globalisation.

Themes include the occupation and destruction of other worlds and cultures, including also, at a local scale, real-estate violence, colonial tourism and migration...

Autonomy and No Zones, other ways of perceiving and creating realities, communal and internal worlds. Autonomous ways of living and thinking, zones without limits, no zones.

Lectures and panels:

// Rene Vautier (Algeria in Flames * Afrique 50 )
// Michael Taussig (Columbia University, NYC)
// Contraplano LAD (Discusion Panel)
// Serra Ciliv (If.Istanbul)

Opening: Tuesday May 30th, 20:30h

Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona

Montalegre 5
(34) 93 3064100

Parallel screenings in the Hall and the Auditorioum: from 17:00h to 24:00h / May 31st to June 4th
OVNI Archives consulting: from 12:00h to 23:00h in the Hall
// Lectures and panels: 22:00h Hall
// Free Entrance