Radical media, politics and culture.

Eighth International Digital Art Exhibit and Colloquium Cuba

Centro Cultural Pablo de la Torriente Brau


Eighth International Digital Art Exhibit and Colloquium

International Call

The Centro Cultural Pablo de la Torriente Brau, with the support of the Historiador de la Ciudad de La Habana (the City Historian), HIVOS, ENET / ETECSA Cubasí Portal, and the collaboration of the Union of Cuban Artists and Writers (UNEAC), the Cuban Institute of Art and Cinema (ICAIC), CUBARTE Portal and the National Museum of Fine Arts (Museo Nacional de Bellas) Artes, announces the Eighth International Digital Art Exhibit and Colloquium (VIII Salón y Coloquio Internacional de Arte Digital) with the purpose of promoting artistic and cultural values created with new technologies.

The Digital Art Exhibit, which will open on June 19, 2006, will show once again the current work in this field and favor exchange and reflection among creators and specialists engaged in these new forms of expression.

The event covers two areas; the National Digital Art Exhibit, of a competitive nature, and a non-competitive International Digital Art Exhibit, where works by artists from other countries will be shown. The works of the International Exhibit will be shown online and in video programs several halls in Havana.


The Centro Pablo calls on artists from foreign countries to participate in the International Digital Art Exhibit. Various artistic views within this expressive modality will be brought together, thus facilitating debate and considerations on their languages and poetics.

This year the International Digital Art Exhibit will accept proposals for the categories of bidimensional, net art, interactive and audiovisual works. The art pieces will be shown at the website of the Eighth Exhibit, developed by Centro Cultural Pablo de la Torriente Brau and the Portal Cubasí of ENET / ETECSA.

At the same time the event will include a video show that will be exhibited in halls of Centro Pablo, Oficina del Historiador de la Ciudad, ICAIC and the National Museum of Fine Arts.
The art pieces must arrive before April 1st., 2006. The artists selected by the admission jury will be notificated before April 15, 2006.

Bidimensional, net art and interactive works online

In each category participants can propose up to three works, that will be sent following the instructions contained in this web address:

The admission jury will work on the curatorship of the submitted art works that will be included in the Jury Selection Exhibit and the Participants Exhibit in the web site of the event.

Audiovisual works

This category includes videos and digital animation works.

Each participant can propose up to three works in VCD, SVCD or DVD (Zone 1 or multizone), NTSC.

Artists can send their proposals from this address:
http://www.artedigitalcuba.cult.cu/inscripcion/index.php, uploading a still image or an animated gif of each proposed work. Besides, the complete work must be sent by fast or postal mail to the following address:

Centro Cultural Pablo de la Torriente Brau

Calle de la Muralla No. 63 entre Oficios e Inquisidor, La Habana Vieja,

Ciudad de La Habana, Cuba

The admission jury will work on the curatorship of the submitted art works that will be included in the Jury Selection Exhibit and the Participants Exhibit to be shown through June and July in cultural centers of La Habana Vieja. Selected artists will be notificated before April 15, 2006

Centro Pablo cannot return the works submitted and requests participating artists to donate them for non-commercial exhibition to promote future festivals.


The International Digital Art Colloquium will take place June 20-23. In addition to discussions focusing on the work included in the two exhibits, artists, scholars and critics will make presentations on the potentials and the development of these new forms of artist expression

The request to participate in this International Colloqium should be sent to Centro Cultural Pablo de la Torriente Brau by registering and filling the form at http://www.artedigitalcuba.cult.cu/inscripcion/index.php before May 15, 2005

A fee of 50 pesos cubanos convertibles (CUC) is required from all
participants in the International Colloquium. Participants from abroad will pay their inscription fee to the Colloquium at the Centro Pablo before the beginning of the event.

The inscription will allow participants to receive all the printed information about the Eighth International Digital Art Exhibit and Colloqium, including the poster created by the Seventh Exhibit winners, and to attend the debate sessions and openings during the first week of this cultural event.


Artists, critics, professors, journalists, students and specialists from other countries interested in taking part on the Eighth International Digital Art Exhibit and Colloquium may make their arrangements through:

Agencia de Viajes HAVANATUR

Caridad Sago Rivera, especialista comercial

Tel.: (537) 203 9099

Fax: (537) 203 9130

e-mail: sago@cimex.com.cu

Or directly in:

Centro Cultural Pablo de la Torriente Brau

Calle de la Muralla No. 63 entre Oficios e Inquisidor, la Habana Vieja

Ciudad de La Habana, Cuba

Tele-fax: (537) 866 6585

Teléfono: (537) 861 6251

Correo electrónico: centropablo@cubarte.cult.cu