Radical media, politics and culture.

Scott Von, "Nietzsche's Overman," New York City, Jan. 28, 2006

JTC writes:

"The Overman:
Nietzschean Art, Science, Politics, and Medicine"
Dr Scott Von
New York City, Jan. 28, 2006

In the wake of the death of God and the end of history, Nietzsche proclaimed the emergence of the Overman. In this scenario, man does not return to his animal state, nor is he destroyed. Rather he is taken up along with nature into pure spirit — or the will to power. During the past century since Nietzsche's death, movements within art, science, politics, and medicine have been propelling us into this future, even as we suffer the shedding of an old skin. It is time for us to take account of our situation and embrace this inevitable becoming.

Scott Von is Director of The New Clinic in New York City where he has pioneered the development of Integral Medicine, and of Analytica — a research and training institute devoted to clinical and cultural analytic practice. He received his PhD in Psychoanalysis from the University of London and his Oriental Medical Degree from Tri-State College of Acupuncture. He has taught as a professor at NYU, CUNY, and Pacific College, is a member of Apres-Coup Psychoanalytic Association, and lectures at various training institutes. He is author of the four volume philosophical-poetic work Autopoesis and the forthcoming books Wild Analysis: Chaos and Complexity in Therapeutic Practice and Soma: The Politics of Medicine and the Ecstasy of the Body Arts.

Saturday, January 28h at 7 PM
Mercy Manhattan College
66 West 35th St. Rm. 704 (Broadway/5th)

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