Radical media, politics and culture.

Fur Free Friday, New York City, Nov. 25, 2005

Santos writes:

Fur Free Friday

New York City, Nov. 25, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Here are some pictures of four lucky animals that were rescued in Brooklyn yesterday by Eddie and Edita. — > RESCUE


Today, November 25th, is Fur Free Friday and NYC Activists who wish to participate will have two events to choose from.

Columbus Circle

This is the MAIN FUR FREE FRIDAY EVENT in NYC and is being supported by CAAF, FoA, PETA, HSUS, The Fund for Animals, IDA, NYC Animal Rights and NJARA. CAAF has obtained sound permits for both events.

12:45 – 2:00 Time Warner Shopping Center in Columbus Circle (by 59th Street), then we march down Central Park South (2:00 – 2:25pm) and turn onto 5th Ave, where we protest in front of Prada (725 5th Ave. by 57th Street) 2:30 – 3:30 pm

the other:

Dennis Basso

This event is unfortunate as it may undermine our local animal rights community's efforts to unite on the once-a-year FUR FREE FRIDAY event. Regardless of your views on the different a/r groups, we ask that you put them aside, and join NYC Animal Rights at Columbus Circle.