Radical media, politics and culture.

Patricia Isasa, Surviving the Dirty War

Anonymous Comrade writes:

Surviving the Dirty War

Patricia Isasa

Larkskpur, California, Nov. 3, 2005

Argentina kidnap victim Patricia Isasa will discuss her abduction and torture and present her documentary film on Thursday, November 3, at the Redwoods Presbyterian Church, 110 Magnolia Avenue, Larkspur, at 7:30 PM.

At the time of her kidnapping in July of 1976, Patricia Indiana Isasa was a 16-year-old high-school student in Santa Fe, Argentina. She was taken by a commando group of the state police and “disappeared” for three months. She was then taken to a military barracks and held prisoner without trial or due process for two years and two months.

Her 50-minute film "El Cerco" documents the investigation she initiated in 1997, which led to the discovery of the identities of some individuals responsible for violent repression of civil rights during the seventies. Thanks to Ms. Isasa's relentless efforts, today eight people are in jail and awaiting trial, including an ex-federal judge, an ex-assistant secretary for security of Santa Fe, and several ex-policemen (one of them a graduate of the School of the Americas).

The program is sponsored by Marin Interfaith Task Force on the Americas. A $5-10 donation is requested. No one will be turned away for lack of funds. This venue is wheelchair accessible. Refreshments will be served. For more information, please call 415/924-3227 or email mitf@igc.org