Radical media, politics and culture.

New Issue of <I>ephemera,</i> "The Politics of Social Forums"

New Issue of ephemera on "The Politics of Social Forums"

Hello from Edinburgh; where the state of emergency of today's political situation becomes very apparent.

The new issue of 'ephemera: theory & politics in organization' tries to be a minor intervention in this very situation by focusing on the organisation and politics of social forums, which have become one of the most popular alternatives to the illegitimacy of political spaces such as the G8.::volume 5, number 2 (may 2005)::


The Organisation and Politics of Social Forums

Steffen Böhm, Sian Sullivan and Oscar Reyes

::forum ::

The Other Worlds Educational Project and the Challenges and Possibilities of Open Spaces
Vanessa Andreotti

The World Social Forum: Exploiting the Ambivalence of Open Spaces

April Biccum

Ground Zero of the Forum: Notes on a Personal Journey

Steffen Böhm

The Future of the World Social Forum

Caracol Intergalactika

Open Office and Free Software: The Politics of the WSF 2004 as Workplace

Giuseppe Caruso

PR like PRocess! Strategy from the Bottom-Up

Massimo De Angelis

The Ethics of Engagement Revisited: Remembering the ESF 2004

Emma Dowling

Research in Progress: Making Feminist Sense of the Anti-Globalisation Movement

Catherine Eschle and Bice Maiguascha

The Forum and the Market: The Complexity of the Social and the Struggle for Democracy

Jeremy Gilbert

Deliberation or Struggle? Civil Society Traditions Behind the Social Forums

Marlies Glasius

Social Forums and their Margins: Networking Logics and the Cultural Politics of Autonomous Space
Jeffery S. Juris

Notes from the WSF 2005: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Tadzio Mueller

The Intercontinental Youth Camp as the Unthought of the World Social Forum

Rodrigo Nunes

Networks, Open Spaces, Horizontality: Instantiations

Rodrigo Nunes

Constructing the Intercontinental Youth Camp

Romualdo Paz de Oliveira

World and European Social Forums: A Bibliography

Oscar Reyes

Activism, Affect and Abuse: Emotional Contexts and Consequences of the ESF 2004 Organising Process
Laura L. Sullivan

An Other World is Possible? On Representation, Rationalism and Romanticism in Social Forums

Sian Sullivan

Sensing the Forum: A Collage

Sian Sullivan and Steffen Böhm

From Utopian Worlds to Utopian Spaces: Reflections on the Contemporary Radical Imaginary and the Social Forum Process

Simon Tormey

Opening Spaces: Power, Participation and Plural Democracy at the World Social Forum

Colin Wright

The World Social Forum and the Globalization of Social Movements and Public Spheres

Tuomas Ylä-Anttila