Radical media, politics and culture.

Swedish Anarchist Magazine to Go on Trial Soon

Patti Hearst writes: "The 103 year-old Swedish anarchist magazine Brand will
soon go to trial on charges of incitement to riot.

The charges were raised a little over one year ago by
the Swedish Secret Police (SÄPO) and received a great
deal of publicity in the Swedish mainstream media.
The charge refers to an ironic article in the
International Women's Day, 8th of March 2000 issue,
about "How to make your riot a success, from A to Z".
The entire issue is a parody of women's magazines and
this article is a parody of their "How to make your
party a success" columns.

Brand's editorial collective member may receive a
hefty prison sentence, especially in the current
lynching climate against "all things anarchist"
after the EU Top meeting in Gothenburg this past

Read the original press release at:
http://anon.free.anonymizer.com/http://www.ainfos. ca/00/sep/ainfos00051.html

Brand’s editorial collective can be reached at:
e-mail: brand@motkraft.net
web: www.motkraft.net/brand

This is a blatantly political procedure, so your
solidarity and support is requested. Please picket
or demonstrate outside of Swedish embassies and
consulates in your country. A complete list of
Swedish foreign assets can be found at:
http://www.utrikes.regeringen.se/inenglish/mission s/index.htm"